
A Few Planetary Bleed-Throughs Into New Earth: A Jupiter/Uranus Union & Pleiadian Messages For This Alignment.

5D Pleiadian Messages About The Jupiter/Uranus Union: Planetary Bleed-Throughs Into New Earth & The Pleiadians On Accessing This Energy.

On Apr 20th, 2024; Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in the earthly sign of Taurus at 21 degrees. Those who don’t follow astrology won’t understand the higher dynamics of how important events like this are, because they don’t happen very often and with the outer planets these alignments take longer to form and manifest onto our Earth. Those who follow Astrology you know that this alignment has happened, and you have known for some time because you do realize the significance of these two planets merging. That they will be important for personal healing for the self and the entire collective, which is good because we always need that in order to understand where we want to go in our lives.

The two planets Jupiter and Uranus are an interesting mixture because symbolically they almost seem polarizing in nature, and yet they work really well together in a sense too. Jupiter is all about expanding ones growth and having a set belief system, while Uranus is about sudden changes and needing personal freedom from cycles that are too tiring to the soul. They can both be about growth and yet Uranus can symbolize the ramifications of making unhealthy abrupt changes, while Jupiter can symbolize the ramifications of holding onto beliefs and systems that don’t expand ones growth. With these two planets blending their energies together, we get a healthy dose of what they both symbolize. We get the expansion and growth that we need, while also making the positive changes that we need for ourselves in order to heal. 

I want to begin this article by stating right off the bat that I am a Scriber of Energy and while my personal energy is connected to the 5D Pleiadians, as a Starseed (which is just a earthly title.) My energetic signature as this Michael persona is very much of a human being who is having a human experience. The information that I receive is from my Higher Self specifically and at times like Earth does, I do receive information from various Gateways and Portals from the universal and higher dimensional realms. I tend to pick up on the 5D Pleiadian realm a lot more than any other realms, and with the intention of listening to what my higher self is picking up on in regards to any messages that come my way. When these messages come through it’s as if they are pushing downwards into these vast cords, with the energy running through them like a wire. It’s not that I have full on Pleiadian Beings coming down and visiting me and telling me this information. I’ve seen various entities both positive/negative and because they don’t like me, they have tried on numerous occasions to literally evict me out of my body in between waking periods. I’m just a scriber and my connection to my higher self is how I get my information, and this information runs up and down us all through our silver cord. The cord that connects us from our physical body to our higher self and main energy source.

The Information that my Higher Self received from the Pleiadian Realm was one of “Humanity should connect with these Jupiter/Uranus energies and ground them into their body templates at this time.” The message had a strong emphasis on grounding these energies, both feeling and modifying the energies of these two planets by connecting to them. This was the one and only message that they shared with me, and remember that while the actual date has passed that doesn’t mean that the energies will not still be felt. Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus until the end of May and Uranus is in Taurus until 2026. There is plenty of time for all people to connect with both planets right now, they are acting as portals for any messages that are coming from the Pleiades and the Pleiadians right now. When you do connect with these energies allow what comes through to guide you, and think about what information comes in for you specifically. Each person receives information differently, despite the fact that we’re all apart of the collective. Take what comes in for you as a separate entity because you’re living out your own journey, and then apply this information into your life for the betterment of the collective. This information could be telling you to start something new in your life. To structure out your life more etc. What you do with this message and these energies alters other timelines of other people around you, by tapping into these earthly strong Taurus energies.

5D Pleiadian Messages About The Jupiter/Uranus Union: A Few Personal Grounding Tips & How To Access These Grounding Energies From This Pleiadian Gateway. 

The 5D Pleiadians are interesting when I feel them and or when information is coming through from them into this physical body from my higher self, they have one of the most loving and gentlest vibrations. There is no mistaking their frequency; I acknowledge it as a loving mother guiding her child or children with the most radiant love. They’re the purest form(s) of love that there is in existence. These beings are the lovers and healers of humanity. The information is shared in the same manner, with a loving exchange of energetics attached to them. With them love is always the way and the heart is always the preferred method of exchanging, and understanding information at the highest level. If it feels right within your heart and then most likely you know it’s truth, if it doesn’t resonate within the heart and then it’s not in alignment with truth on New Earth right now.  The Pleiadians always ground energy through and into the heart. It is my number one tip for anyone wanting to ground these Jupiter/Uranus energies, feel them through the heart. Touch your heart center and then breathe in and out and as you close your eyes what information comes to you. So to begin the list off ground these energies into your heart.

  • Heart Grounding: Place the hand or hands on the heart center and affirm that you will allow these energies to enter the heart, along with any message that you might be getting from the Pleiadians.
  • Connecting to Earth: Spending time in nature and to be surrounded by the elements during these continued waves of this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, that is the only way to really to connect with them and their energy. Life has been mainly focused on staying inside ones home, and because of that we aren’t connecting to the natural elements of Earth. Connect with the land and water around you.
  • Connecting To The Earth Template: There have been many alignments, energetics, and universal information that has entered the template of our Earth. During both old and new earth cycles. Taking your physical body to locations where these energetics collide with the Earth is a great way to connect with and gain access to the energies coming in.
  • Visualization Work: Visualizing everything that we are working to create and ultimately become does start with how we utilize our mind. Working on visualization exercises to see both of these planets uniting, then uniting within you and all around you can give you access to them.
  • Sleep Time Intentions: Sleep is the most important aspect of our life and we do so much more during those hours than what we might think, there are intentions that you can set in order to connect with these Jupiter/Uranus energies for the remainder of these next few weeks. Set one intention and see what information comes to you while you step out for a bit.

There are many modalities of healing that you can use in order to connect with these ongoing energies from the Jupiter/Uranus alignment, finding the best one for your grounding and healing needs is important. These are just five options and they are some of the ones that I used in order to connect with this alignment myself. In regards to the messages coming from the 5D Pleiadians, learning how to connect and how to ground oneself is important and if you haven’t been one to do so. The bigger picture of this message is to begin connecting because the most important thing is to heal your own life.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2024. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Immediate 2024 Frequency Shift: The Transition Into 2024 Was An Immediate Impact To The Body.

The Immediate 2024 Frequency Shift: Transition Into Higher Frequency, Immediate Physical Impacts & Acclimating To The NEW Changes.

The frequency Shift into 2024 is now officially completed and we are existing within it. Those who have read my articles for years know that I write often about changes in energy, frequency, and the various shifts we take into new areas within dimensions. Those dimensions then bleed through into 3D physicality, which I have to start calling 3D+ or 4D now because we really aren’t existing all too much within 3D energies anymore. There are certain people who are still frequency living within those lower dimensional levels, all-in-all, there is a good chunk of the collective population that is moved into higher layers than ever before. This is exactly what the Ascension Volunteers have wanted for decades, and now that it is here we’re continuing to raise the bar high and keep it there. 

The transition itself was sudden. It had to be because we were moving into a NEW space altogether and so much was opened up in the higher dimensions for us in 2023. There were piles of Galactic Battles and Astral Wars between various E.T groups, with many of them making exchanges for those territories within the 4D. With all of those changes happening it made it possible for people to connect more with Earth and those changes. This is why the frequency shift has felt even more ultramodern. We have never gone this far and in such little time, and we are all privileged to be here at the beginning of the Aquarian Age of light. 

At 12:20 noon EST on Jan 1st, 2024; I experienced the greatest increase in frequency happen on Earth in all of the years that I have been alive. The way in which I perceived this increase in frequency felt immediate, and it was like a switch being flicked on. When we entered 2023 it was a much more gradual experience, which began to increase in intensity. There we can see a difference in the expression of these experiences. The physical aspects of this shift in frequency permeated throughout my body. The sounds and tones were much louder. Eventually, I was then nudged by my higher self to get out of body because I couldn’t stay inside any longer. Immediate rush to vacate the body premises.”

When we crossed that 2024 Frequency Shift Line – Earth and Humanity took another gigantic leap into more 4D and 5D frequencies, to the point now that I believe we are no longer just marinating within 3D consciousness. There is still a higher number of the population that only thinks in 3D consciousness and that is living within these perimeters of time and space. How can one access their own multidimensionality, when they haven’t been taught about multidimensionality? They are doing what they are doing and all is perfectly well. It becomes different when Earth starts to change that frequency just slightly higher than it was prior, and then some more of this group begins to then think in ways which is not usual for them to. Then they begin to shift their frequency to match the Earth, because you cannot be out-of-sync with this Earth realm. I have been calling this group New Humans of New Earth, and if you have read my articles in 2023 I mention them activating within waves. As of early 2024 – this group is activating their codes to match Earth and her frequency in the third wave, and these waves are connected to Pluto as it enters the sign of Aquarius on/off. With Pluto entering Aquarius along with the Sun on Janurary 20th we’re seeing those shifts occur, in all forms of the Medical Wheel for all people activating in this third wave of this first group of regular New Humans.

The 2024 Frequency Shift has occurred and for those who are uncertain about what that might look like, because no-one has the actual time to tune into every aspect of daily life. Which includes everything happening within the Ascension Process. We have worldly agreements to attend to, children, jobs, responsbilities, etc. Did I mention how easy it is to get tired these days! Wow! We cannot always make time to tune in and when we do we don’t always pick up on everything, I don’t and usually it will hit me afterwards when it’s all said and done with. What I perceived about this shift is that the Earth raised itself higher in a Horizontal motion, but instead of just going in a one way motion it moves upwards on an angle. Think of Earth when it makes frequency shifts just like the image below. In the image we see three different versions of Earth – One deep in darkness, the second ascending out of the darkness and the third one completely in 5D light frequencies. This is what our Earth is doing and we’re on her doing the exact same thing, with some of us taking longer to align with her than other’s. These frequency shifts can cause immediate physical impacts, which means we need to work on releasing stuck energies in those areas. We’ve now been moving out of the Galactic Night and into the 7D Photon Bands since 1998, which means we’re only 26 years into the Photon bands and the Age of Light is set to begin in 2160 A.D. We’re only moving at a slow rate and we would be classified as still existing in the first Earth version on the left side. Think about that. How slow progress takes and how much we’re still entrenched in 3D frequencies still.

The Immediate 2024 Frequency Shift: Experiencing Greater Reality Glitches, Different Dimensions At Work & Observing Those Within The Fields.

On Jan 3rd, 2024;  I was acclimating to the intensity of the frequency shift into 2024. When I left work because I still have to make those trips outside of my precious home, I was standing at the bus station waiting for my bus to arrive when reality glitched again. It was such a sudden experience to have as I glitched, I suddenly became privy to the reality that every other person was living within. The reality and the frequency that they held and it was interesting to see where everyone stood.  Before in 2023 I noticed the glitches, but now I am starting to see where everyone is and what they are aligned to. Old earth or New Earth.”

In September 2023, I had wrote about experiencing Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality at that time because I had never felt it in such an intense way before. When we crossed that frequency shift line into 2024, I experienced that once again but instead of it being a microscopic glance into reality. I experienced it as if every-single dimension was opening up for me in that Jan 3rd moment, at the bus station, and I could place every person within those dimensions who was there. Either in higher or lower dimensions depending on where they were. This was not on a global scale either, this was just who ever was around me in that moment and in that locale. I suddenly became the observer of New Humans Within Reality and many of them were struggling with the frequency shift, and the more that time goes on and 2024 continues this is the theme that I notice. There are too many people who are vibrationally lost and energetically they are massively disconnected with where Earth is moving into. The 7D Galactic Photon Band. Those who have read The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara hand Clow, know what the 7D Galactic Photon Band is all about. Those whom have not had the chance; I recommend that you read it. It will give you a better understanding of what is happening with all of these Earth changes.

We are all multidimensional and there are many aspects of us that are existing in other (locations, realities, parallel realities, and also down here.) Think about it. There could be another part of you existing in another world with different rules and at a different frequency, while your higher self (main energy field) is back in your home dimension and you are physically incarnate here all at the same time. There could be a whole entire army of you scattered around the cosmos, with the majority of your essence back in the dimensions that you reside in just so that you can be helping with the universal Ascension Process. These are strange times but amazing times to be traversing through, and WE are the early privledged ones who are the forerunners in all of this. Twenty six years of Earth only just beginning to be hit with 7D Galactic Photon Bands and can you imagine when we’re at peak-way into the Age of Aquarius and the Photon Band. We’re already struggling as it is – but at least many of the Earth’s population is moving beyond 3D consciousness and into 3D+ and 4D where 5D frequencies are blasting through into all of us.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2024. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Enter New Zones Of Freedom (2): Astral Warfare & Activating The Pockets Of Energy From The 4D – 5D.

Enter New Zones Of Freedom (2): Astral Warfare For Ownership Of Earth, Blocking Higher Dimensional Energies & Recent Zones Becoming Free. 

In late November 2023; I had begun to receive Clairvoyant Images and downloaded information about the state of the 4th-Dimension (Astral Realm.) There seems to be a consensus with everyone receiving the same information in regards to this, there is astral warfare happening within the 4th Dimension. There is Astral Warfare happening for Ascension Volunteers when we exit our physical bodies during nap or sleep times. We know it. We have experienced it. What is becoming ever more clear is that there are a lot spaces and zones that have been freed up, positive E.T beings who have been working hard to clear controlled zones from negative E.T beings. 

These Spaces and Zones are what I call Freedom Zones. These Freedom Zones are happening because spaces are being taken over, and because it is those of us on earth who are seeing these Earth changes in physicality first hand. The 5th-Dimension is seeping into the Astral dimensions which are manifesting through these pockets of zones here on Earth. These zones are getting more and more wider which means that more of Earth is free, and ownership is now becoming more fluid.  The question now becomes: How can we learn to activate these pockets of energy within these zones into our daily lives and on Earth? 

The Earth has been experiencing Astral Warfare for eons and that has a lot to do with those who are in power, every area of Earth is covered in zones which have connections to the higher dimensions. There are Gateways and Portals, there are Vortexes connected to this Earth and all of this is mixed in with everything that is happening in other locale both seen and unseen. There are certain Negative E.T beings who are actively still trying to take over as much of Earth as possible, they have bled through (from portals,) in order to accomplish these take overs. There have been and still are positive E.T beings who are at war with these negative E.T beings, and who have successfully removed them from zones on Earth. This is all about Energetic Ownership of this Earth during the Ascension process, and we all know who’s fighting for what at this point. It isn’t just in the astral realm that this warfare is happening, it’s happening within physicality and people who are here.  

The more that these Zones Of Freedom start to expand they become free from Negative Energetic Ownership – the more that we can access these energies to change the matrix. The matrix is like a huge veil and it covers the entire physical realm, this acts as a means to block any kind of higher vibrating energies from entering into physicality. We can then begin to understand just how dangerous it really is to both have negative E.T beings trying to claim energetic ownership, while also at the same time blocking any kind of positive light energy to enter into physicality. That is the Negative Agenda at work. However, those who are put in place within physicality scattered all over the world are working from within. While positive beings fight for the freedom of earth in the Astral realm, we the Ascension Volunteers do it from the inside. We are also a huge part of the reason why many zones have become free, and with that comes the precious reward of accessing the positive energies by accessing these new zones. How do we do that though? 

Enter New Zones Of Freedom (2): Dismantling The 3D Matrix & Activating The Pockets Of Energy From The 4D and 5D Through The Self. 

In the first article that I wrote about humanity entering New Zones Of Freedom; I wrote about what I was perceiving during that time when that new information was coming in through for me. There wasn’t yet a full stream of information as of yet and what I got was that Participation was an important aspect of accessing these new zones. The participation of dismantling the 3D matrix to be exact, and remembering that we can participate in life in order to change life events. There were many who were wondering well how do I access the new zones? Through participation. When we participate in removing the very matrix that is holding us from accessing all of the higher multidimensional aspects of ourselves, along with everyone else we start to realize that we are participating in removing this ownership from negative E.T beings. We bring it back into ownership of those for the new earth. This makes it easier for us to participate in life by changing reality itself, isn’t that amazing! That we have all that kind of power to do that. Here are some ways that we can activate the pockets of energy from these New Zones Of Freedom.

  1. Locate The Zones Of Freedom: The first way to access these New Zones of Freedom is to find the location of each zone, this is where meditation comes in and using it to find sacred spaces that have these lines of energy. When we connect to them we can access 5D frequencies that are pouring through.
  2. Connecting With 5D Frequencies: Once we connect to these Zones that have been energetically taken over by the light, we can focus our attention on accessing 5D frequencies. We can work on ourselves, we can heal using ourselves using these frequencies and ultimately transform who we are.
  3. Participating In Co-Creating: Once we do begin to access all of these 5D frequencies by utilizing them to heal our patterns throughout the Medicine Wheel, we can then start participating in dismantling the zones that are not freed. Which leads to participating in other areas down the track.
  4. Participating In Ownership Of The Zones: Participation in co-creating is important because we’re bringing New Earth more into reality, and all while we dismantle the 3D matrix. We are literally working to help positive E.T beings take back ownership of Earth Zones by participating.
  5. Participating In Expressing New 5D Roles: When ownership of zones are established that is when we can begin setting up new roles for ourselves within physicality, we can do this by consciously thinking and creating through our thoughts. What we want is what we’ll get, only it’ll be through 5D love heart based frequencies. Connecting to god is important here to.

Enter New Zones Of Freedom (1): Inserting New Multidimensional Structures Into Reality Through Personal Experience.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.