
A Few Planetary Bleed-Throughs Into New Earth: A Jupiter/Uranus Union & Pleiadian Messages For This Alignment.

5D Pleiadian Messages About The Jupiter/Uranus Union: Planetary Bleed-Throughs Into New Earth & The Pleiadians On Accessing This Energy.

On Apr 20th, 2024; Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in the earthly sign of Taurus at 21 degrees. Those who don’t follow astrology won’t understand the higher dynamics of how important events like this are, because they don’t happen very often and with the outer planets these alignments take longer to form and manifest onto our Earth. Those who follow Astrology you know that this alignment has happened, and you have known for some time because you do realize the significance of these two planets merging. That they will be important for personal healing for the self and the entire collective, which is good because we always need that in order to understand where we want to go in our lives.

The two planets Jupiter and Uranus are an interesting mixture because symbolically they almost seem polarizing in nature, and yet they work really well together in a sense too. Jupiter is all about expanding ones growth and having a set belief system, while Uranus is about sudden changes and needing personal freedom from cycles that are too tiring to the soul. They can both be about growth and yet Uranus can symbolize the ramifications of making unhealthy abrupt changes, while Jupiter can symbolize the ramifications of holding onto beliefs and systems that don’t expand ones growth. With these two planets blending their energies together, we get a healthy dose of what they both symbolize. We get the expansion and growth that we need, while also making the positive changes that we need for ourselves in order to heal. 

I want to begin this article by stating right off the bat that I am a Scriber of Energy and while my personal energy is connected to the 5D Pleiadians, as a Starseed (which is just a earthly title.) My energetic signature as this Michael persona is very much of a human being who is having a human experience. The information that I receive is from my Higher Self specifically and at times like Earth does, I do receive information from various Gateways and Portals from the universal and higher dimensional realms. I tend to pick up on the 5D Pleiadian realm a lot more than any other realms, and with the intention of listening to what my higher self is picking up on in regards to any messages that come my way. When these messages come through it’s as if they are pushing downwards into these vast cords, with the energy running through them like a wire. It’s not that I have full on Pleiadian Beings coming down and visiting me and telling me this information. I’ve seen various entities both positive/negative and because they don’t like me, they have tried on numerous occasions to literally evict me out of my body in between waking periods. I’m just a scriber and my connection to my higher self is how I get my information, and this information runs up and down us all through our silver cord. The cord that connects us from our physical body to our higher self and main energy source.

The Information that my Higher Self received from the Pleiadian Realm was one of “Humanity should connect with these Jupiter/Uranus energies and ground them into their body templates at this time.” The message had a strong emphasis on grounding these energies, both feeling and modifying the energies of these two planets by connecting to them. This was the one and only message that they shared with me, and remember that while the actual date has passed that doesn’t mean that the energies will not still be felt. Jupiter is in the sign of Taurus until the end of May and Uranus is in Taurus until 2026. There is plenty of time for all people to connect with both planets right now, they are acting as portals for any messages that are coming from the Pleiades and the Pleiadians right now. When you do connect with these energies allow what comes through to guide you, and think about what information comes in for you specifically. Each person receives information differently, despite the fact that we’re all apart of the collective. Take what comes in for you as a separate entity because you’re living out your own journey, and then apply this information into your life for the betterment of the collective. This information could be telling you to start something new in your life. To structure out your life more etc. What you do with this message and these energies alters other timelines of other people around you, by tapping into these earthly strong Taurus energies.

5D Pleiadian Messages About The Jupiter/Uranus Union: A Few Personal Grounding Tips & How To Access These Grounding Energies From This Pleiadian Gateway. 

The 5D Pleiadians are interesting when I feel them and or when information is coming through from them into this physical body from my higher self, they have one of the most loving and gentlest vibrations. There is no mistaking their frequency; I acknowledge it as a loving mother guiding her child or children with the most radiant love. They’re the purest form(s) of love that there is in existence. These beings are the lovers and healers of humanity. The information is shared in the same manner, with a loving exchange of energetics attached to them. With them love is always the way and the heart is always the preferred method of exchanging, and understanding information at the highest level. If it feels right within your heart and then most likely you know it’s truth, if it doesn’t resonate within the heart and then it’s not in alignment with truth on New Earth right now.  The Pleiadians always ground energy through and into the heart. It is my number one tip for anyone wanting to ground these Jupiter/Uranus energies, feel them through the heart. Touch your heart center and then breathe in and out and as you close your eyes what information comes to you. So to begin the list off ground these energies into your heart.

  • Heart Grounding: Place the hand or hands on the heart center and affirm that you will allow these energies to enter the heart, along with any message that you might be getting from the Pleiadians.
  • Connecting to Earth: Spending time in nature and to be surrounded by the elements during these continued waves of this Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, that is the only way to really to connect with them and their energy. Life has been mainly focused on staying inside ones home, and because of that we aren’t connecting to the natural elements of Earth. Connect with the land and water around you.
  • Connecting To The Earth Template: There have been many alignments, energetics, and universal information that has entered the template of our Earth. During both old and new earth cycles. Taking your physical body to locations where these energetics collide with the Earth is a great way to connect with and gain access to the energies coming in.
  • Visualization Work: Visualizing everything that we are working to create and ultimately become does start with how we utilize our mind. Working on visualization exercises to see both of these planets uniting, then uniting within you and all around you can give you access to them.
  • Sleep Time Intentions: Sleep is the most important aspect of our life and we do so much more during those hours than what we might think, there are intentions that you can set in order to connect with these Jupiter/Uranus energies for the remainder of these next few weeks. Set one intention and see what information comes to you while you step out for a bit.

There are many modalities of healing that you can use in order to connect with these ongoing energies from the Jupiter/Uranus alignment, finding the best one for your grounding and healing needs is important. These are just five options and they are some of the ones that I used in order to connect with this alignment myself. In regards to the messages coming from the 5D Pleiadians, learning how to connect and how to ground oneself is important and if you haven’t been one to do so. The bigger picture of this message is to begin connecting because the most important thing is to heal your own life.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2024. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Shattering Realities Through The Heart: The Shattering Of Multiple Realities & Triggering The Heart.

Earth Is Shattering Left-Over Realities: The Shattering of Multiple Realities, The Heart & Triggering The Heart Response. 

While humanity is still in a transitional process while shifting into 5D New Earth and those NEW frequencies, we will be experiencing this transition for decades to come. The 22nd century will be and feel even more Aquarian in nature than right now, and a massive aspect of this transition is the purging out of incompatible energies. The Earth has it’s very own cleaning-up system when it comes to those lower vibrating humans, who think that they can cause traumatic chasms on Earth. Whether physical destruction or energetic. The Earth always bounces back and responds in a way where it leaves us open to experience reality in new ways, realities that get shattered are the very ones that open our hearts. 

The current population of New Human of New Earth are learning that they are being Heart-triggered right now to change, to merge with New Earth and these new experiments within new earth reality. There are always inserted events and then there are opportunities for us to open our hearts as humans, this is what connecting with the Pleiadian(s) has taught me. The Pleiadians are here to help us all connect with our true emotions, and to open our hearts to one another through the movement into physical 5D heart life. 

I have intuited that November 2023 is going to be a lot like October was, in the sense that what we’re experiencing now is Multiple Shattering Realities that continue to unfold between Earth and all people. The start to November was like being jolted by the new triunity Energies and those ever evolving light codes, and now that we’re moving further into the Photon Belt this will increase. The Solar maximum is increasing in intensity and they have mentioned that it will increase further during 2024. These are all contributing factors to these shattering events within reality and it is happening world-wide. I am going to do my best to be as active on here this month despite all of the energy, due to events that will unfold during this month. These events of shattering old Earth realities are going to be unfolding quicker for many people, it’ll last longer period(s) of time, and it will happen in ways that will look and feel destructive to the human perspective. It will involve the human system(s) and it will test the beliefs that each and every individual holds. That’s what shattering old earth realities means, we’re releasing ourselves from false insertions of what we believe our world is. Then we merge with the Heart and New Earth Reality.

I have worked with the Pleiadians for my entire life and I don’t necessarily want to consider myself a Channeler (because I don’t think that I am;) I am a conduit of information. I have received information from three 7D Pleiadians about the upcoming events for Earth, this information is more received just by tuning in. They have telepathically communicated to me (in 2023 especially,) about how humanity needs to open their hearts. The Pleiadians believe that human beings are out of tune with their emotions and that there are new realities that they can access by opening up their hearts. Whether they feels that is is good emotions or bad emotions, they stress the importance of connecting with how one feels. The expression of emotions is healthy and leads to connecting with ones heart, and accessing higher forms of consciousness and information in higher dimensions. They emphasize the importance of shattering ones own personal realities and triggering the heart, and for many people across the world there are global events happening that are triggering those hearts. 

Earth Is Shattering Left-Over Realities: The Left-Over Realities From Old Earth, Healthy Heart Responses & Actively Participating On New Earth.

As we continue to shift through the rest of November and December 2023; We will be actively participating in the Shattering Of Left-Over Realities From Old Earth. What does this mean? Well we are shattering realities yes, but, those realities are very much still parts of old Earth. These old Earth realities are still activated in the template of Earth and it was first inserted in by the old ancient gods. These insertions are currently being removed because New Earth is about freedom from ancient everything. The more humans evolve the more these old templates get removed. Anything that is part of old lower duality consciousness and lower vibrational energies, that is being removed because New Earth is being lived through the heart and not the mind or ego. All ideas about Male and Female roles are being thrown out of the history book, forming connections to ones own sexuality and to have a balanced outlook on integrated feminine and masculine attributes is important to living on New Earth. Having a healthy balanced mind and heart through the heart and third eye chakra is important, anything that is not about the advancement of humans is not evolution.

The Heart and Heart chakra is one of the most important areas of the body that the Pleiadians work with, but the irony here is that the Heart is the most closed off and underactive chakra in human beings. We are so closed off to love and that includes the ability to love the self. There are many humans who are not even able to get past the lower chakras, but the Pleiadians have communicated to me that they are trying to reach more people by having them connect to their own heart centers. Connecting with the heart. Falling in love. Self-care and self love. Expressing our emotions. Thinking about something that brings us joy. This all connects us to the power of the heart and to love. This opens our hearts. This is a healthy heart with a healthy heart response. The best way to have healthy heart responses is by participating in life, and in the New Earth Reality. Whatever you love, whatever it may be express it.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Are You On New Earth: How Can I Tell If I’m Living Inside The New Earth Reality.

Existing Within The New Earth Reality: The New Earth Reality, New Life & Existing Beyond Broken 3D Earth.

In early January 2023; I wrote an article about how the first wave of Humans were going to enter New Earth. In that article, I stated that the majority of people who were an energetic match with New Earth would finally enter it. The Ascension Volunteers had first created New Earth and then started to enter it at the end of 2019, the Ascension Volunteers finally got to enter the New Earth reality for the first time after decades of energetically creating it. This is the beginning of the Golden Age, despite the fact that chaos is slowly unraveling all people and circumstances.

The Second Wave of New Humans within the first group, are getting ready energetically to enter this New Earth reality and live through the heart frequency. This is happening right now as we move further into the the 2023 year, by the end of the year all of the second wave of New Humans will be activated to live within the New Earth. As we prepare for more to enter this New Earth reality, we will need to understand exactly how it feels to be fully living in it. There are ways to know and understand when you have made the energetic shift into New Earth and when you know you’re living within it. 

We’re now into June 2023; that was hard for me to type as a Starseed Ascension Volunteer and mainly because life has gotten more unreal in ways that I know only the Ascension Process could have caused. The intensity has hit a new high and for many people the only way now is to move upwards, which is why we are seeing these increased periods of bulldozing within the systems and structures of our society. Nothing works like it used to and people have to work harder to create new ways of living that they didn’t know before. The currency frequency is dying off and the systems that are in place are in continuous upheaval, thing’s always have to shift and change before they can be modified and we are in the death throes of Evolutionary Change. These outward changes that are currently looking like chaos has spread throughout the dignitaries of our Earth Realm, this is because we’re making that transition. We cannot gain anything good, if we do not lose everything we know to destruction. Those of us who have had all kinds of loss in our life we know that very well, and we have had to heal ourself beyond what we could have imagined. This New Earth is only just beginning to unfold and the more that we walk the walk, the more we can understand when we have arrived on New Earth energetically.

The Sacred Heart Template: Heart Living Is Essential On New Earth.

The First Group Of New Humans: Activations Of The First Group Of New Human Beings.

Existing Within The New Earth Reality: Some Ways To Tell That You Are Living Within New Earth Reality?

The New Earth Reality is really an energy earth. I want those who are reading this article to really take that first sentence in, to really take those words in and understand it at the highest possible level. New Earth is a high energy frequency Earth that was created by Ascension Volunteers for Humans to enter into and to match. This always happens when Earth is about to enter a new age, we show up in gigantic groups and then we work on elevating the Earth frequency until the next age arrives. This time it is different because old cycles are done, New Earth is the permanent Earth and the Ascension process will continue to unravel until we have regained full conscious memories of our early life on Earth. I can sit here and write all about New Earth and this new frequency, but it’s difficult for people to know whether they have made that Energetic Shift into New Earth.

  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will find yourself living from your Heart Center much more than you ever did before.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will feel connected to the god source and energy that is all around you.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will feel connected with animals, the Earth, and to other people and care about them and their well being.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you are more able to do the internal work on yourself and recognize your own fears, faults, and use that to work on blueprint healing.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you are more willing to be in service of other people and not expect to get anything back from them.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will have a much better understanding of the self and who you are and who you are not.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will understand who you really are and this is especially important for Starseed, Galactic travelers, and their specific missions on Earth.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will understand the laws of the universe and understand the Ascension Process and those Evolutionary changes.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will be able to discern different energies and how to understand all of the deceptions, lies, and corruption within the systems of this world.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will likely experience a sudden emergence of your psychic gifts, intuition, the 5 clair gifts, and have to learn to cope with new sensitivities as a New Human.
  • When you’ve entered the New Earth reality; you will remember ancient lives within the Lemurian, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt kingdoms and Starseed connections to those advanced civilizations.

There is a lot more that I could have written in regards to the list of changes that you can experience, especially when you match that Energy Frequency of New Earth. As we move further into June 2023 and these next few weeks of it, we will be experiencing a numerous amount of collective healing and chaos. The Solar energies are going to continue to intensify, but it is up to us individually to align with these energies and to decide where we want to be. Those of you reading this who are unsure if you have stepped into the New Earth, read the list above and see if you embody and emulate all that it entails. If you have experienced one or more than most likely you are living on New Earth.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.