My Ascension Body Activation (5): It Lasted 7 Months Straight. I Was Negatively Interfered With While I Was Activating.

My Ascension Body Activation: Negative Interferences For 7 Months Straight, Harassment & Spiritual Anxiety While On The Path.

This article is probably the most important one that I am going to write about, in regards to my awakening and all that happened to me during that time. It is a continuation, of all my other article(s), in the series of multiple article(s,) that does discuss the events of my awakening. I personally think that this article is the most important one, because it shows you what any person can go through. It shows you what can happen when you become more aware. When you become more aware of what is really happening on this planet. Who you are. What you learn about yourself. What your role is. It tells you just who knows you, even when your still figuring out who you are yourself. 

I also went through a horrible time during this period in my life. There were a lot of stuff that happened to me. A lot of stuff that needs to be mentioned separately. It is possible that a lot of people are experiencing all of these specific events, and they just cannot get their mind wrapped around everything. So, these articles are a way of showing everything separately. One piece at a time… like multiple chapters in a book.

This week. My article is going to be another personal article, filled with personal information, about what I went through during the time of my awakening. In my previous article and everything is in chronological order. When you click on my category Energetic Earth: Personal Stories, it shows each article detailing each separate event. This one follows my last one. In that one I wrote about the psychic gifts that I experienced, new and old ones each combining. This one is going to focus on what transpired while I was dealing with all of this. What I experienced, while dealing with accessing a new higher consciousness. Accessing a new higher aspect of myself, that I did not understand or know previously in this life. It is going to focus on my awakening and everything that I went through. While, also being harassed by a Negative Female Human Being at that time. Who did interfere on multiple occasions, as I was going through this intense process. 

It is not an easy thing to write about. It was a very traumatic time for me and I have suffered {PTSD,} in regards to my OOB and NDE Experiences. As well as everything that I have lived through and been through. During that time period. I’m sharing it because I know I need to. There are a lot of people who have gone through the same experience, who are currently going through it, or, who will be experiencing an awakening on a physical level. They need to know. Which is the whole entire point of this article. Also, these interferences and harassment have continued five years later. So, it’s been a continued theme in my life. It also happened to me before I physically awakened. Which was interesting to look back on my life, all of those experiences, and with those people involved and see how they did in fact interfere with me and my life.

I physically activated to begin my Ascension Process in this life, at the age of 24, suddenly on March 1, 2014. The months that followed were intense. I nearly died multiple times. I moved from my childhood home after 24 years. My physical body kept going through intense physical changes, symptoms etc. I was psychic from birth, but in the months following this physical activation. These psychic gifts grew even stronger than before and new ones became more accessible to me. I experienced everything from: clairvoyance, clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. To electric disturbances. Headaches beyond words. Ear ringing. Jumping timelines. Weird reactions from animals and children. Experiencing, past life events and death(s) and how they were connected in this current life. The most important event that occurred for me during this time. While experiencing all of this. Involved being negatively interfered with, by an older Negative Female Human Being.

My Ascension Body Activation: Harassment By LowCon Female Being, Consciousness Possession & Interference On My Spiritual Path. 

This Negative Human Female Being had harassed me and my family for 7 months straight. Mainly, it was aimed at me. It started in July and it did not end until February of 2015. During these seven months. This woman generally made life miserable for me. She showed up when ever she wanted. She interfered where ever she could. She carried such a lower consciousness that it made me, physically ill, just to be anywhere near her. She was jealous that we bought the house. She wanted it. She knew why she wanted it to. The most important reason why she started harassing us, me, was so she could prevent me and knew that I was physically awakened. That I was becoming physically aware. The Demonic entities using her also were aware of this too! They wanted to both get at me and prevent me from physically doing it. It was a Negative Human thing. However, she was also under the influence of negative entities. She had motives for her harassment. The entities knew it and encouraged it. 

I didn’t write that last paragraph to frighten anyone. Neither, was it my intention to. It was purely to educate. I have been psychic my whole life. I knew about the Christ consciousness. I experienced visitations with that level of consciousness. I felt specific thing’s from people. I knew thing’s about people. Living and those who once lived. One thing that became clear to me after my activation, was that life on earth was a lot more different than what I knew it to be. What I understood it to be. It wasn’t just about life and death. There was a shift happening. A real shift. This shift involves returning this earth back into alignment. I realized how messed up this earth had gotten from my previous lifetimes. It got more dark. Much more twisted. I learned there was more happening than what the majority of the collective population knew. There is a negative plan in place on this planet. A negative system. There are thing’s that are extremely negative. Thing’s that are living here. Negative entities who have been trying to take over this world. Among other atrocities. All of these memories came flooding back. Memories of earth. Memories of my past lives. Memories of home dimension before I even got here. Memories of agreeing to come back here. To help with this shift. 

I became aware of this Negative System and because I was psychic, it made it all much more worse. I could now feel it. I could feel how heavy it was. The density. That negativity. I understood it. I saw the bigger picture. I realized more of who I was, what my role was, why I was here and what this planet really was. These entities realized that I was becoming aware of this. That I was understanding myself more. That I suddenly knew more about what my role here was, which is and if your also aware that your on your Ascension Process. It is to stop this negative agenda and replace these negative constructs. To embody light energy into your being, because you can. Which is a little bit of why we activate. This specific Negative Female Human Being was a means to an end. She was, is, and always will be a vessel for these negative entities. To use. For their purpose(s) and she will not know why, or, what is even happening to her. There are many people like this in the world. Who do these thing’s to those who are activated, psychic, light embodier, seers, awakened and on the Ascension Process. Which is why I was harassed for seven months straight. Here is a detailed outline of what transpired in regards with this female being.

  July 2014 —

We moved into our new house at the end of July, after putting our house up for sale in March. The previous homeowner was a very special being. The female. She was gifted herself. Her husband not as much. When she died, he got ill with dementia and needed to be moved into a home for the elderly. He died eventually. 

The first few weeks we did the usual thing. We moved our boxes in. We cleaned the entire house. We began to organize everything that we needed. It takes a lot to move. During that time. This Older Female Negative Human Being, involved herself in our move. She randomly came over. She began to also move in. She started to tell us how to organize our home, and interfered in our new home. etc. I initially thought it was strange. She knew my mother. My mother knew her. I knew of her. I did not have any connection to her.  I never spoke to her. I didn’t give a shit about who this woman was. 

My NDE happened. Then my next experience occurred and that is when I left my body. I became paranoid. I was Scared. I also became extra sensitive and was for months by that point. I also had strep throat and I got the antibiotics for it and it cleared up. I essentially chose not to take an exit point. It could have gone that way. However, this woman just kept coming. Throughout all of the psychic experiences I was having. The Ascension related symptoms that I was going through. The past life bleed throughs. The left leg pain and not being able to walk for months. The NDE experience and OOB experience and everything. All that was hitting me all at once. Then this woman decided she need to be jealous, needed to be pissed off, need to come over and wish to have the house that we had. Had to allow herself to be used by demonic entities. 

In August,  I experienced a negative attack while sleeping.  It rattled me for weeks. It was the entities that left her body and consciousness, which she brought into our house.

Then the previous deceased female homeowner of our now house, continued to visit me as I was awakening and watching over me. She was protecting me as much as she could. That same month, my heavily religious parents called their parish priest and his visit along with hers made me ill. I’m not religious and I do not practice, or give, my energy to that specific belief system and that old negative system. The priest was gifted like me and I sensed it. He had a calling, he followed it, but, he was drenched in lower consciousness and lower conscious old ways. He was very Piscean. Wonderful for him. She worked for him. They both tag teamed me, told me I needed to go to church more. I instantly realized that they could not control me and were trying to. He blessed our home and she tried to interfere. He sensed it and kicked her out of our house, (later – I had to re-bless my house and set up a portal of light.) To undo the blessing he did that did not do anything. Because she kept coming back. 

In September, October, November: There were periodic visits from this woman and her grand-daughter. They both continued to just show up here. Her agenda was easy to understand. She wanted the house. She told us if we had not bought it she would have. Her jealousy was easy to pick up on. Her ego needs were ripe for the picking. Her grand daughter, was not even ten. I did not understand her part in all of this. 

One time in December. She came over and I knew on instinct that I needed to get out of the house and away from her. I stepped out and walked around, until I clairvoyantly saw her leave. While I was out of the house I was so rattled by her visit. I could feel her negativity even while away from my house. She was there. Polluting the home that I would need to come back to. I was in really bad shape, the further I got the more I could still feel it. I was having full on panic attacks. At night. It was cold. I was alone. Walking through trails in the area I lived in. I was so frightened by the negativity that I felt, when two random strangers walking the trails saw me. A father with his son. They saw me in the distance and they were scared as they watched me, unsure what was wrong with me. Meanwhile, I was experiencing a panic attack because of too much negative energy. I was feeling too much all at once. 

I crossed a bridge with a small pond. When the center of my forehead began to hurt like crazy and a being of light appeared. I know who this being of light was. After what seemed to be a while of this being appearing to me, in this splendid light, the being left. I felt better. More calm. I knew at that point the female was out of my house and that I could go home and I would be fine. When I got home. She was gone and I was exhausted. I was psychically worn out that I passed out. 

In January. Her visits were becoming more sparse. Once she started realizing that she could not have the house and that I was beginning to understand how to protect, cleanse, clean the house and the energy in it. It took me a lot to learn to do those thing’s. She came over one time. Wanting to speak to my mother. She was not home. So, she sat there and waited for her to come home. I knew that I could not just tell her to leave. I sensed that she would get angry, riled up and likely to do something. I was in no mood for a physical confrontation. Neither was I in the mood for another psychic attack. She eventually left on her own. Never spoke to my mom. I knew what she wanted. What she was there for. To rile me up. To scare me. To interfere. 

Her last visit was in February of 2015. I was fully activated and completely living and existing in that new frequency range, without struggling, without the physical pains being to brutal.  I was less sensitive, but my psychic gifts were easier to manage and deal with. I soon after that began a new job. I never saw her again. She never returned. I soon learned how to cleanse my house. I opened up a portal of light and the house and me are protected. It’s been five years since this all took place; I don’t get very many visitors to the house anymore.

This was my experience in regards to my physical activation and the harassment that I experienced. It sounds like a lot to take in and believe me I know. I lived it. I had to experience all of it. Every horrible, scary, idiotic, strange moment of it. It does not sound like it is that scary which is surprising. However, it felt scary. It felt dark. When your psychic and have had some experiences. You get used to the process of it. When your experiencing psychic phenomena for the first time, it can drive you to the brink. It can be hard. You will not feel normal. I am sensitive as well. However, there are people ten times more sensitive than me. If you’re an empathic person. My goodness. It’ll be harder to manage the energies of course. This is the majority of what you can expect during your awakening and activation. It isn’t just the physical symptom’s, the psychic gifts coming up, it’s also people, the people around you start to act different. You’ll have to see it, feel it, understand it when it is happening to you. 

Those of us who have experienced this. We know it and we know why it happens. If your new and or just becoming aware. Becoming aware of these kinds of people. Your going to have to learn fast how to handle these types. They never stay around for long. However, new people will most likely step in during different phases of your life, during different phases of your ascension Process. During that time. It was that Negative Female Human Being. It was not an easy experience. However, I made it through and so can you. You will. 

My Ascension Body Activation: I Began My Ascension Process With A Physical DNA Code Activation.

My Ascension Body Activation (2): A Few Months Later I Became An Activated Ascension Volunteer.

My Ascension Body Activation (3): Holding A New Frequency & Body Electric Disturbances Within.

My Ascension Body Activation 4: An Increase In Psychic Abilities & Having My Energy Circuits Wide Open.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2019. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. Sharing of this article is strictly prohibited. 

My Ascension Body Activation (2): A Few Months Later I Became An Activated Ascension Volunteer.

 An Activated Ascension Volunteer: The Next Few Months Of My Ascension Journey Were Incredibly Difficult.

This specific article is a continuation piece to my earlier one about my physical activation; I decided to write about what happened after my actual physical awakening took place in March 2014. This is the next period of my life and that includes all the realizations that I made about who I was. I understood who I was and what my mission on Earth is. This also includes what happened when my current life collided with a past life, and because all life events happen simultaneously all at once. We are essentially re-living all moments. I shifted into a timeline from the past when I was an Egyptian woman living in the year 2,750 BCE. Along with my NDE. This article follows the aftermath of these events for those who are experiencing this now. To better understand what is happening for yourself within your own Ascension process.

This article is going to discuss some of the moments that I experienced after all of these awakening events transpired, and what happened to me afterwards. This period takes place from August 2014 – January 2015. That time period was a really intense one in my life, and I had to deal with a giant amount of different physical issues that I was facing. All of them due to the Ascension process beginning for me and taking place inside of my body. A lot of these physical change overs happened because I was now activated to embody specific light encoded energies, light energies that were entering earth at that specific time period. I was also releasing ancient pains, traumas, beliefs, and spiritual events that my body knew all to well and which it was all too familiar with. Life on Earth happens simultaneously and we shift from the now moment into the past, back to the present, and sometimes into the future where we know more of ourselves. Who was I? I was an activated Ascension Volunteer!

 I physically activated in March 2014 to begin my Ascension Process. Now, as I’m writing this five years into the future, I feel that this is the right time for me to share some more personal information about what happened to me afterwards. I want to share this information, of what happened to me, and what I experienced the first few months of suddenly becoming an Ascension Volunteer. This is all from this future perspective and point of view, because it has been such a long time since it happened now in this part of my past. I feel like there is a clarity and transparency now from what I know, than what I did all those years ago. First off, that time period and those experiences were heavy and it took enormous strides for me to acclimate to my new role. This was a role that became very physically demanding and very fast. It felt like that then and it feels like it now. It will give you insight into who I am. What I experienced and how you could feel and what it might be like for you, if you are experiencing a physical and spiritual awakening.

On March 1st 2014; I physically activated to begin my Ascension Process. In May of that year we sold our family home which I and my family had lived in for 24 years. That had been my entire life up until that point. At the end of July we had moved into our new home. In early August 2014, I experienced two NDE (Near Death Experiences.) I also jumped timeline’s to when I physically died in a past life as a female Egyptian woman in Ancient Egypt. This is everything that I have written about already, you can find those articles in Energetic Earth: Personal Stories. It is in chronological order in my personal experiences, from when I first became physically activated up until this point in time. Which I will share now.

The first thing I need to mention is: I want anyone to know who has started going through this physical process, is that once it begins everything changes in a short span of time. It is all about changes. Not just external outside of our self changes, but also internal changes as well. There will be a shift in your consciousness as well. Which is why your experiencing all of these necessary changes in such a quick span of time. It’s so that you can quickly move and evolve beyond where you have always been. This is how it happened for me and I’ve realized it now five years into the future, it had to happen this way. It’s part of helping you and me remove all of those {concepts, patterns, beliefs, and ideas,} that are not going to remain with you. The complete eradication of everything and anyone that is not a frequency match with you. It really does feel like a de-brainwashing process is happening within self, and in many cases that is exactly what is happening. We begin to see life in a different way than what we did before.

More Ascension Body Struggles: Physical Body Activation Continued As My Nervous System Changed. 

After having experienced not one; but two NDE (Near Death Experiences.) My life slowly began to unravel before my eyes. During August 2014 January 2015 my entire life had changed, it changed in a way where I had to literally do everything I could in order to survive all the extensive and lonely aspects to what becoming aware of myself really meant. I was time coded during this period to activate as an Ascension Volunteer. I also had that realization that what I was experiencing within me; I was becoming awakened by all the trauma in this Ancient Egyptian lifetime which was resurfacing. I learned that everything is all simultaneous and we awaken to all that is.

After I experienced my two NDE’s due to a past life bleed-through and surviving them both. I was couch and bed bound for several months. It took me a long time to feel normal again. I really did not suffer very many physical issues and neither was I in any kind of accident. I looked fine to people physically and the outside world. Internally, I was in serious physical pain especially my left leg. This left leg kept me couch and bed bound until January 2015. This was an old past life wound, which caused my death in that lifetime. It was re-surfacing within my conscious memory and in my timeline, to be dealt with and healed. It was also happening as I made the shift to quickly clear that timeline and those memories.

In August into September 2014. The pain in my left leg began to heal much faster, but, what I realized was that I was growing more psychic. I felt so ultra sensitive to people, to family members, and even to the objects around the house. If there was wood or people around and it was a natural, real life, person or living organism. I could feel it, hear it, and even see an aura around it or them. Telepathic communication became something that I could do and it was easier for me to comprehend it and control how I did it. I began to see shapes of Light beings and especially two of my Guides. As I write this in 2019 – these two guides have left me and moved on. These two spirit guides did healing work on me, I felt them spiritually healing this leg. 

The psychic components for me became so heightened, and it was a big part of my Dark Of The Night Soul process. The physical components were deeply internal. Emotionally and mentally I experienced a lot of releasing, which were messy at certain times and it had to be. This all happened simultaneously, and from two separate timelines and over the span of a few months. Everything felt non-linear.

After my physical activation and the months that followed. I spent a lot of time staying very still on a physical level. There was something about that time, about not wanting, or, not being physically able to do much of anything. No matter how much I tried to. It hurt me to try to physically do anything, it hurt a lot even if I tried to do something that did not match my current energy frequency. I had no interest in anything. I lost contact with most of my friends. The few that I had left at that point. I wanted to spend more time alone, more time with myself. I needed more personal space for me, while going through what I was going through. A lot of stuff changed. It changed because I changed and I just could not physically do them anymore, because it physically hurt to do them.

This was and it still is on many days my experience(s) with the Ascension Process from August 2014 – January 2015. In the beginning of this when I made that initial shift and change into a higher understanding about who I am, this planet, the reason(s) behind why I was here and what was happening, it was the most awful experience. It hurt physically. There were a lot of physical thing’s going on for me, the worst part of it was that I was and still am restricted to live it at home. There was nothing else to do and there was no where else to go. It was all me. Facing myself and everything that was happening to my body. It felt awful at first but as I look back on it now, I’m really happy with everything that I went through. It has brought me to this place and this phase in my life. It has definitely been a journey and it’s all part of manifesting New Earth.

My Ascension Body Activation: I Began My Ascension Process With A Physical DNA Code Activation.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2019. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Witnessing A Being Of Light: A Few Personal Experiences With My OOB, And NDE Experiences Part 2

Witnessing A Being Of Light: Personal Experiences With My Own NDE Part 2.

I have been a Starseed Ascension Volunteer for my entire life and I have experienced some otherworldly phenomena that I do not know how to explain, not to mention contact with higher dimensional beings. I have seen and felt them all around me, I have seen small sparkles of specks of light that come in and vanish out real quickly. I have received multiple energy and light code downloads my entire life, not to mention being attacked by negative entities and I felt them use the consciousness of certain people. I have experienced quite a lot and among those certain experiences, I have dealt with plenty of my own near misses in this life. I have also dealt with many of my own out of body experiences too, the sky is the limit when you function at an advanced level than someone who is not a Starseed. 

I have decided that I am going to write two articles. These two articles will focus on my personal journey. Both of them. They will discuss my OOB and NDE experiences, as well as, how they connect to my physical activation to begin my Ascension process and my past life times. It is my hope that these two articles will be helpful to other Starseeds and human beings, especially for those who are currently experiencing this now and are feeling their way through all of the trauma. Whether your physically awakening as a Starseed to remember you, or your a human being who is slightly more advanced than the rest of the population. What you’re experiencing now in your life is valid and very real, make sure that you remember this!

This is a continuation article from the first article that I had written, that was about my NDE and OOB experiences from a Starseed Perspective. It chronicles some of these events, that I went through during my physical activation to begin the Ascension Process. Which almost led to my physical death. Resulting in two more NDE experiences and in one of them; I experienced an OOB experience and spoke to a higher dimensional Female being of light. This Female being warned me of what might happen to me if I didn’t seek immediate medical help. In the second and final third one that I experienced: A past lifetime in Ancient Egypt aligned with my current life, that death matched up to the exact day and age that I was in 2014. Which almost saw me die in this lifetime as well. There is a lot to say; the main reason for writing any of this – is to help anyone who has had a NDE or OOB experience, who might feel scared, lost, confused, and alone about what they have experienced on a physical level and to work through that trauma.

Before I begin writing; I am going to share the link to the first part of this series of events. You do not necessarily need to read them in order. It is up to you. Here is the link: Witnessing A Being Of Light: A Few Personal Experiences With My OOB, And NDE Experiences Part 1

The events that I wrote about in part one involved me contracting a Step throat infection, that I needed to experience so that I could release and transmute some more personal and collective world negativity. It also, was a contracted exit point for me. An Exit Point is an opportunity for you to leave the physical body that you are in and this planet if you want to. It is a completely personal choice and it is nothing to be sad over, worried, and or frightened about. It is your choice as an individual spirit to choose what is right for you. This was mine. I obviously chose to remain in the physical and it has been five years now since all of those events have happened to me. The first NDE happened in May 2014. The next two NDE which involved me physically leaving my body at one point. They both happened in July and August of that year after a huge transition in my life. These are the two NDE that I’ll be writing about in this article.

The second and third NDE that I’ll be writing about today, happened in July and August of 2014. It involved a series of events, that was related to a past lifetime that I had in Ancient Egyptian time. In this lifetime I was a female. I noticed that there were many connections and similarities to who I was in this lifetime and in that one. We had lived a similar life, we had similar habits and certain behavior patterns that had crossed through into this life. We were both loners and we both felt alone most of our lives, never having been treated kindly, with respect, and there was no support from either families that we had. It’s not strange for many of us to experience similar life circumstances, experience needing to go through similar lessons, to have familiar behaviors and personality traits in new lives. It goes with reincarnation. It goes with being connected to our pasts in our future selves, as these new people that we have become. Agreed to become. Whether for further evolutionary advancement or by sheer force to go through it all again to finally learn. I won’t go into anymore further details about who I was in this lifetime, as this is something that I plan on writing about more in a separate article in full detail. Here are the events of my second NDE: It hurt like hell and I experienced both lives simultaneously as I traveled back through that past life memory. 

Witnessing A Being Of Light: Ancient Egyptian Past Lifetime Death Bleed-Through.

It was late one night towards the end of July 2014 after we had just moved into our new house. We had just started unpacking everything from boxes and seeing where they would go. I had chosen my room downstairs and began putting my bed together, deciding where all my stuff would go. After a few days I managed to get everything figured out, sorted and exactly where I wanted it to be. I decided to do some stretches despite feeling un well one night, when I felt a slight twist in my right side. Like something came out of place or was activated in that area. It just came on so strongly. 

By the next morning. My right leg just under the knee started to hurt. I also started feeling more weak. So, I decided to lay down in my mother and father bedroom. By that night the pain was extremely painful. My leg started swelling and turning blue and purple. I got some ice and placed it on that area and still it continued to feel increasingly worse as the days went by. A few days afterwards it got so bad that the pain that I felt was so unbearable, it felt like a pain that was indescribable. I had never felt like that before. By the third day I was slightly shaking, I didn’t eat anything and I kept convulsing. Convulsing from the pain. At one point on the third day my only sibling, my sister, came into the room and just stared at me convulsing. I remember thinking to myself “Please, help me. Call an ambulance.” She just stared at me while I pleaded for her to help me and left the room. She, didn’t say anything and she never got help for me. Neither did my parents. 

During one night while still being in pain. I began seeing multiple “Beings Of Light” who were in the room with me. My leg was in tremendous pain and it looked and felt like they were floating there in front of me on the bed, waiting for me. Like they were there for me. I drifted off to sleep and never did see them again. The next morning. I felt slightly better. Despite my leg still being swollen and purple and blue. No one in my family took me to emergency. Meanwhile, there were light beings in the room with me, as I was close to dying from the pain and the convulsing that I was experiencing. 

A few days later. I began experiencing strange thoughts and memories come through in my mind. I didn’t understand them. I felt like I was back in a different time. I could see this young woman of about 24, she was being chased and she quickly fell to the floor and had an arrow in her right leg. In the exact same place and leg where I suddenly started experiencing this sudden pain. It was confusing. I felt like I was in two different places all at one time. It wasn’t until many years later, that I realized I was experiencing a Past lifetime memory and event. Which was bleeding through into my current life. 

This was my second NDE which involved an Egyptian past life bleed-through, into my current life at the age of 24. In that life I experienced serious issues and I died and I very nearly died again in this lifetime at the same age. The third and final NDE involved me finally being treated for the re-occurring Strep throat infection that I had. Only after I finally experienced an OOB experience where a Female Being of Light told me to get help as fast as I could. 

Witnessing A Being Of Light: The Third NDE Which Resulted In An OOB Experience.

Towards the beginning of August I really was feeling better in regards to my leg. The swelling had gone down. My leg returned to a normal color. I had to wear a leg brace… but, it was improving and I could walk relatively well. However, I still had that Strep throat infection which had come back. In those days I noticed that thing’s were alright but I could feel the same throat pain, the same throat issues as before. 

On Aug 1st – I had felt extremely weak and decided to lay down on my bed at 5:00 pm that afternoon. While already asleep. I experienced an OOB experience while asleep. To me it felt like I was pulled out and not because I was dead or dying. However, despite what I believe. I did have an out of body experience that afternoon. What I remember about it the most was how fast it all happened. How sudden it was. How easy it all felt and looked. One second I was just asleep and the next thing I knew I was suddenly out of my body and I remember floating up to the ceiling in my room. I was facing the wall to the right and it seemed like I was still in a laying position, because I was facing the right side when I looked at myself down from the ceiling. 

I heard a Female being of Light begin t0 telepathically communicate with me. I knew who she was instantly and I knew exactly why she was there. However, she wasn’t in the room with me. It was just a telepathic communication she spoke with me. I was out of my body and I didn’t move anywhere. I didn’t leave that room. I stayed floating in that area above my bed. Her exact words were “Go to the hospital.” After that was communicated to me, I began to experience a sensation of being pulled downwards back into my physical body. As soon as that OOB experience happened for me, I woke up. I remember feeling so confused by it. So, confused by the experience that I left the room and almost refused to return back into it. 

I never went to the hospital. It wasn’t until a week later. I had asked my sister to take me to her doctor who gave me the antibiotics that I needed to clear that Strep infection. After he checked me out. I almost fainted while waiting in the waiting area and my stomach was in tremendous pain from everything that was going on for me.

These were my two NDE and OOB experiences that I experienced. Three in total. One involving a past lifetime memory and bleed-through. Two from an infection that never really healed properly. All three shaped my life entirely. Positively and negatively. Five years worth of Ascension PTSD after physically being activated to begin the Ascension process. I also finally managed to release lifetimes worth of not being able to speak for myself, to finally speaking up for myself and after lifetimes worth of be silenced. All released from me. All transformed me. If you have also experienced a NDE and a OOB event that has left you feeling alone, lost, confused, or, unable to speak about it. Don’t worry! Your the not the only one who has had this experience. If you’re one of the few who began their physical Ascension Process and had been triggered by a NDE or two, or three, just like me. Your not the only one.

As a Starseed; I found this experience to be the most intense one that I have ever had and I understood the experience and information. However, I still struggled as a Starseed. I hope this helps anyone who has experienced a similar thing. I’m deciding to leave the comments open on both article(s,) for anyone who feels the need to share their similar experience or who has questions. 

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2019. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.