New Humans Of New Earth: 2023 Is The Year Of The New Human.

New Humans Of New Earth: The 2023 Frequency Feels Different & Initiates Of The New Humans Of New Earth.

As of January 1, 2023; I perceived that those of us who made it through to 2023 are those who wanted to remain here at this juncture. There were reasons why last year played out the way that it did, as well as the remainder of December. Those who chose to leave physicality during the last few weeks of 2022, did so because they did not want to make that changeover into new earth in physical form. On some higher soul level those who chose to leave physicality, they knew that this was going to be the year. The year where the first group(s) of regular humans would be making all those changeovers, and to begin their own ascension process physically and consciously. This is important. This is exactly like what the volunteers did when we started activating one by one in cycle one of the ascension process.

This is what 2023 will be all about for the collective. The activation of regular humans to finally enter into new earth, and to begin embodying the NEW Triunity frequency and that frequency into their Sacred heart blueprint. Each human body is designed with multiple blueprints build within, and many regular humans are going to suddenly find that these blueprints within them will be triggered in 2023. Both the heart and the physical body blueprints.

On January 1st, 2023; I perceived two separate events that have been occurring that let me know, that thing’s were going to be changing effective at midnight. The first event: involved many people who were having to make a soul decision to leave physicality before 2023 arrived. The second event: involves all of those who remained in physicality after this cutoff point. There is going to be a first group of regular humans who are activating, just like the Ascension Volunteers did in cycle one from 1999-2019. In this article I am going to focus on the first event, while saving the second event to be more fully discussed in the next article.

This specific year: 2023 is going to be the year of The New Human. When I write that I mean that in every sense of the word, there are going to be some changes happening this year for those who are ready to activate. It has already happened as of midnight from what I perceive, and I even felt some of them begin to enter new earth as activated new regular humans during the end of December. I’ll be writing about that in the next article much more in-depth, but I do want to focus more on the new human aspect. There will be many regular people who will need to adapt to new earth in order to be able to live on new earth. There are certain ways of knowing when your leaving old earth and entering new earth. There is that initial shift in your awareness. There will be more people who will become more aware of the ascension process, of the ascension terms, and they will begin to experience the same physical awakening symptoms. This activation of regular people will bring so many new events for humanity with it, how the first few in the first group wave handle it will make room for other waves of groups to do the same. This is the year of people. The year of the person. The year of new humans as they enter new earth, via the cosmic mother entrance way. This is a private and personal activation and only a few will be doing this as the first grouping, there won’t be some gigantic awakening of mass humanity on a conscious level. That isn’t what I am saying with this and it is going to take decades, even centuries, for everyone to be living on the new ascended earth world.

Much of 2023, I will be discussing these themes where regular humans will have their body and awareness activated. I’ll also be writing about my own personal stories with regular humans that I have had in my life, as I have referred to them many times as LowCon people (which is short for lower conscious.) The psychology behind why I and so many other ascension volunteers, have experienced what we have with the population of regular people. It isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a lacking of awareness thing. Many of them are going to start coming online and many more won’t, it is important to know that both are occurring and will in the new year.  

New Humans Of New Earth: Merging With More Aspects Of Self As We Become New Humans (Divine Aspects Of Source.)

The last few weeks of December 2022, I went very quiet and I needed to quickly get myself where I needed to be before entering the 2023 year frequency myself. I will always advocate for doing the work and I have had to do the work, so that I could remain in physicality doing what I do. There are moments where you look back and you have to work on your trauma, work on aligning yourself properly with the earth. There are moments where you have to learn to handle all of your own baggage, it is like being in your very own personal airport dragging yourself through the airport terminal. Then comes the relief when you can finally transfer your luggage and just have your carry on bag. Life should be like a carry on bag. Take what you need that is of actual value to you and discard the rest. Which is essentially what I did. Then there are moments where you know that there are parts of you that are not whole, that you are incomplete.

That very realization hit me when I suddenly realized that there were two other aspects of my higher self, that were ready to fully merge with me and to become whole. I needed to do this before 2023 arrived and there was a specific cutoff point for it too, it had to be done before the Winter Solstice. The two aspects of my higher self that needed to merge with me in this physical body, were the two aspects that I lived as in ancient Egypt. It was an important event for me because much more memories came flooding into my awareness about these lives, in one life I was a female who lived in 11,750 BCE and in the other I was a young girl who lived in 9,500 BC. In both lives I lived in Egypt. I will be writing about these two lives and those memories in the new year as well, I think they are important to unlocking the subconscious memories of people within humanity about certain catastrophic events that shaped the earth during that time. All of this during the solstice and so much more. 

We’re all still in that early Aquarian Age time period, once Pluto enters Aquarius this year and then fully in 2024 we will begin to feel more at home in this age. Those service to others themes will still be in play and more of humanity will become more aware of our rich history. The volunteers first entered new earth in 2020 and that has ended in 2022, that is what I have perceived and we’re all there now. We created that new earth and we have fully entered into it, now it’s time for regular humans to step into it. What we’re facing won’t change. A lot of what we have been doing we will continue to do, the volunteers will continue to lead the pack energetically. The Divine Mother Template is still in place and we will be embodying those codes, along with the NEW Triunity frequency codes. We’re still in Cycle Two of the ascension process, while living in the early transition into the Aquarian Age. We’re still going to be dealing with wild weather changes, Covid-19, LowCon people who refuse to activate. The obliteration of old lower world beliefs, systems and much more.

This doesn’t change anything that we have been doing, the only thing changing is that regular humans can now join in on the fun. How they decide to handle this is up to them, but there are many Volunteers & Starseeds who are writing about these changing shifts into the age of light right now. Myself included. They will start to seek us out individually and I urge you to if your new. If you’re unsure about these changes happening for you now, find us and we have so much written material that is here to help everyone now. I have four years worth of articles about my ascension path, if you’re reading this and your awareness has just been activated have a good read through. This is why the volunteers went through it first. 

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

The Cosmic Mother Entranceway: Re-unification Of Cosmic Mother With The People Of Earth.

The Cosmic Mother Entranceway: The Cosmic Mother, The Entranceway Into Cosmic Mother & The Age Of Aquarius.

The closer that we have gotten to the December 21st solstice, I have felt that earth has been pulled into a specific area as it circles the milky way galaxy. I have also perceived that there’s been a lot of work being done in the higher dimensions, because I perceived something big happening at those levels. I have felt this for all of December 2022 the closer that we have gotten to this point, and it has almost felt like the earth is now in alignment with something ancient but familiar. The Cosmic mother energy, but not just that her companion as well. I believe from what I have been perceiving, this cosmic mother and companion energy will be returning on the day of the winter solstice. 

In November 2022, there was something that had been shared with me and my awareness, where I got the sense that Cosmic Mother would once again reunite with the earth. It wasn’t just with the earth but there was an ancient mother figure, that was going to merge with her lost masculine companion. This mother figure known as the cosmic mother, would once again usher the new light age of the Aquarian cycle. This figure and her companion were part of earth during the earlier years and up until the age of Leo when they suddenly left due to catastrophic changes to the earth. This cosmic mother entranceway is reuniting her, and her companion, along with the people of earth as we move into this new space.

I know to some my opening paragraph might have been a little confusing to those who may not fully know what that all meant, the short version is that Cosmic Mother is an ancient energy that is returning to earth after a long time of being absent. The movement of earth through the milky way galaxy has placed us in a new space where this entranceway is happening now, both for her return to earth and also for those who are currently incarnated on earth now. This is why I have called this The Cosmic Mother Entranceway and this entranceway has pulled earth into this ancient energy over these last few days. I was lucky enough to find an image that I felt depicted what I had been seeing, within my awareness during the month of December and over the course of the last few days leading up to the 21st. If you look down below you’ll see the earth being engulfed into a new light space, as it makes its entrance into this cosmic mother point of entry. This area and space will make it possible for regular people, to cross on over from old earth and move into new earth. 

Deeper and deeper we all go. That is the theme as we move further into the Age of Aquarius. This return of this ancient light energy and the space we have moved into as we make our move through the milky way galaxy, was exactly what I had been picking up on in June 2022. That and the fact that earth has been spinning faster lately has me fully understanding these connections, that we have moved into a new different region as we spin in our galaxy. This has gotten more blatant and intense since about October, because I’ve noticed how these recent energies and frequencies have been removing ancient negative memories from within the earth and humanity. That and it has been driving the LowCon people even more insane because they’ve not been able to handle these frequencies. All of this and much more is happening with this entranceway which the earth will be moving into, which is why 2023 is going to be an interesting year for all people currently incarnated on earth now.

The Cosmic Mother Entranceway: Clairvoyantly Feeling Earth Move Into This Entranceway In 2023. 

The older that I get the more in touch with my abilities as a clairvoyant I get, over this past year alone I have been feeling certain energies coming towards me from certain people who are around me. All both very positive and extremely negative. There are some that I do attract with all the light that I embody and others that I instantly repel because of the very same thing. I’ve had a wider variety of out of body experiences when sleeping as well. My dreams have been much more vivid and more highly intuitive than before. Then there are temporary moments where I’m being shown certain events while being awake. It is all extremely developed and I understand that it is because of all the hard work that I have done, to get me to this place in this now moment. In sharing this, I have continued to experience this very thing during the last few days leading up to the Winter Solstice.

It is such a privilege to be living during these early re-awakening times, because we’re healing those wounds now and returning back to ancient time periods that we remember so well. I want to share a moment that I experienced on December 17th, I think that it’ll give people some idea about how these clairvoyant aspects work.

Clairvoyantly Seeing The Entranceway

On December 17th, I was in one of the rooms in the lower level of my house and I was sitting in my gray butterfly chair, I was there all day because the energies were intense that day. I had taken what has to be the best nap in months, an undisturbed deep sleep that I really needed. After this miracle nap, I began to feel and to sense that I was viewing something in a different location with my own consciousness. I began to witness this gigantic space where light was entering into, and at first I couldn’t make out what that was. Then I realized that it was the earth moving into that area, it was like the second image up above and then I found myself in the milky way galaxy. It all took me by surprise and I needed a moment to return back to my normal physical functioning. 

There is something that happens to me when information get’s signaled to my higher awareness, most volunteers and those who are seers also experience this mind/body reactionary split. What I am viewing takes over and while viewing it, my body reacts without me realizing that I am reacting to it in real time. I’ll be in another place viewing what is being shared, but my physical body is still here on earth reality going through it’s own process. I eventually pulled out of it and resumed in my physical body.

This Cosmic Mother Entranceway means that the volunteers are moving into phase two of ascension cycle two. Over these last few weeks I have internally felt the need to disappear, that I need to now go quiet and to let more people decide where they want to go now. Do they want to enter new earth via this entranceway or do they want to stay where they are and not make that energetic shift. It’s their choice and I don’t want to be involved with it, I only made the choice to continue on further without certain beings that were around me. I can only be responsible for my own work in this life and to merge with me, to release me from all of me. I’ve also noticed that I have two new higher dimensional beings that have shown up recently to assist me, two new guides if you want to call them that. Which tells me that as we move into 2023 I’m going to need that extra help, because more clashing is going to happen between me and those who do not want to move into new earth. Many other volunteers are probably experiencing the same situations as we approach 2023.

Another important piece of information that I want to share, happened to me on Wednesday December 14th. I was shocked to my core after I was attacked by an non-physical entity who was flat out using the consciousness of a LowCon male. I haven’t been attacked like this since 2019 and when I entered new earth with the other Ascension Volunteers, I didn’t think I would ever have to directly deal with anything like this again. However, despite all of my hard work and energetically moving away from specific lower entities and people. I have had to handle these types of situations since September of this year, and it hasn’t really stopped but only gotten more intense for me during the end of 2022. While it shocked me – I understood that it meant I was energetically moving even further away, from the remainder of whatever demented lower energies and entities that still reside here. It was a last ditch effort to rattle me as we move into this entranceway point, as more people will be crossing over into New Earth. This entire event will take decades and centuries to happen, mainly because there are all different leveled people on earth right now. 

There is so much that I know I will be writing about in 2023, that will deal with New Humans Of New Earth as those little groups of people will start to change over energetically like the volunteers did. For now this is my last article for the year, I need to take the rest of the year to get myself where I need to be and going radio silent is the only way that I know how to do that. Remember what you went through in 2022, then continue on that pathway into 2023 because it’s going to be a wild ride. Whatever get’s us closer to remembering our past as brilliant human beings, in the early civilizations of our earth.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2022. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.