Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality: A New Earth Hologram Is Glitching Into New Earth Reality.

Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality: A New Earth Hologram, Glitches & Entering The New Earth Hologram.

From time to time; I find myself experiencing life in a Multidimensional manner. There have been momentary periods where reality and how I am viewing it,  it glitches, because reality is so much more complex than what it really is. There is no more than just one reality that fits all for the entire collective. Reality is interchangeable. There are multiple ways of viewing reality as it is and many of us have experienced more than one aspect of how reality functions. I don’t experience this phenomena very often where reality glitches because I am not always allowed to see the many changes that are happening on Earth, and at times I choose to close myself off from it all.

Reality glitched for me once again on August 27, 2023. I was surprised when it happened again because it hadn’t occurred for me in such a long period of time that I was shocked by it. On the Sunday, I was reading Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. I suddenly felt everything in front of me glitch and disappear, and a new Hologram of New Earth became visible right in the living room area. I’m sitting there observing reality go in and out, while realizing that I need to immediately leave my physical body because my higher self was nudging me to do so. As we move further into the next few years and as New Earth becomes the main Earth timeline, we all will experience so much more phenomena where dimensions will bleed-through. There will be so many who won’t know where they are anymore, because they will not be able to locate themselves within the New Earth reality.

The very first time that I ever experienced Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality was when I was seven years old and this was back in 1997; I was left home alone and reality had opened up. I was sitting there in another dimension where the Christ Consciousness was approaching me from the upstairs region, while I was physically sitting on the stairs of my childhood home. This was a terrifying experience for me at the time because I was Seven, my awareness was so open to Multidimensionality of our Earth reality. It was like I understood it but I was too young to completely grasp all the dynamics, and I remember going straight into fear of it because glitching through different dimensions of what reality is wasn’t taught. I naturally feared the glitch and the connection was lost. I didn’t have an experience like that again or become aware of them until after March 2014, when I physically awakened my Starseed template within. That was probably the most important memory of my childhood to this day, and it was mainly because I was already making so many Ascension volunteer connections with New Earth. I was designed to have experiences with different aspects of reality, and so are humans that are living on Earth as we move through the Ascension Process. 

Multidimensionality is understanding that reality isn’t just what we believe it to be, that there are multiple layers to it that can be tapped into. Our awareness can travel to these different levels of and layers that are within other dimensions of existence, and during many of the Ancient Civilizations like in Ancient Egypt we did this. We learned it. We reached a certain age and we were initiated to have our awareness fully expanded, you can think of it like graduating High School. These initiations would take place within the tunnels of the Sphinx, when we connected with Horus or Isis we were then able to access different dimensions within reality itself and to commune with higher dimensional beings within those spaces. We were taught to do this and to make all those Multidimensional connections with our awareness. These initiations were very important to those who experienced them, and because I went through this during my Ancient Egyptian lifetime in 11,750 B.C. I re-experienced that initiation in the tunnels of the sphinx because everything is always happening simultaneously. 

Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality: A New Earth Hologram Is Appearing, Static Frequency & Holographic Languages.

On Sunday August 27; Reality Glitched and I became aware that I was surrounded by and within a Hologram of New Earth as it was currently manifested at this level. It was like having an internal view of what goes beyond 3D reality and what 4D reality is like, because we move from 3 to 4 in order to reach 5D. It was static in nature; it felt so disconnected but totally connected to the 5D. There were a few animated images that I found that shows this experience, and you can really see that there is more to Earth than what meets the eye. Holograms and Holographic language is a 5D capability, and many higher dimensional beings do this as well. There are many spaces within the higher dimensions where holograms of light exist, rooms (what is perceived as that,) where you can view history, past lives, other planets, the evolution of Earth and there are even holographic books that work in the same manner. Where the images rise up and you can see and feel everything going on within it’s context, the hall of records comes to mind when shown in the higher dimension. This Hologram of Earth was showing me just how reality really looked and felt, and how far we have come along as conscious creators of this new 5D reality on Earth. 

The Lionsgate Portal For 2023 on 8:8 was so important – It helped insert new information into the Earth Reality. It helped the Earth erase a lot of it’s 1D and 2D elemental components that were stuck in the grid line, while inserting new information to be accessed through the collective awareness. It really did shift reality itself and that is why it was so important in 2023, and it made reality and multidimensionality more easily accessible to the collective alive right now if they want to access it. Many don’t and many will not choose to access this as not everyone is ready, there are many different people on various levels with this. In these great Ascension times we must discern who is where and why, and that includes discerning me and what I write for yourself. We will be experiencing more of these Multidimensional Glitches Within Reality the more that we step into September as well as 2023 and beyond. 

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Shifting Out Of The Lionsgate For 2023: The 8:8 Energy Is Replacing Old Energy With New Energy.

Shifting Out Of The 8:8 Lionsgate: Ancient Negativity Being Removed, Replacement Energies That Are A Current Earth Match.

Now that we have begun stepping away from the peak point of the 8:8 Lionsgate, we have been shifting and feeling outdated energy leave our consciousness and body templates. We have also begun to feel these old energies be pushed out of Earth and to allow new energy to come in. The new energy from the Lionsgate via the star Sirius, has been allowing us to enhance our ability to receive important higher information. Many of us felt the intensity of this years 8:8 energies, it was so compressed to the point of not being able to withstand it. Thing’s shifted into different directions for us, geographical locations went through energy purging due to human behavior of the past that needed to be transmuted. There were multiple events happening simultaneously last week and they are still happening right now.

During certain Gateways and Portals there is a transference of energy. This transference of energy happens because the Earth itself is removing old energies from the Divine Mother template. I have written about the Divine Mother template before and what it is – is a layer surrounding the Earth which energies move in and out of. The template holds that energy and it’s properties until it is replaced by higher energies. It is an entire system. Notice what clears out of your life, what your thinking about consciously, and what leaves your spaces, but, don’t forget what new thing’s begin occupying what has been removed. 

There are periods during The Collective Awakening of Humanity and of our Earth, where every once in a while it feels like the world is going berserk again. It almost feels like the very heart of the Earth is experiencing a rapid succession of heart beats, as if someone is gently tugging on the very heart of this Earth. Then after a while the Earth becomes released from the grips of the Ascension changes that are always happening. Then suddenly everything has changed, almost as if it never existed before. These periods of random Berserk activity, where everything is everywhere is always happening due to new changes that are occurring on this Earth. This happened at the end of July and it is still happening even after the 8:8 has reached it’s most climatic point within the heavens. This activity is starting to quiet down but those of us who understand that more needed to be purged, we understand the reason why the old energies attached to certain aspects of planet earth need to be replaced. It needs to be replaced with new energy and a new way of understanding Earth now as she makes this momentums change. 

The Earth is a reflection of people and we are a reflection of the Earth. When we begin to realize just how much we mirror back who we are to the Earth, we begin to understand just how connected we are to these powerful Earth changes. These last few days during these multiple purging events of darker energy, dead energy, and old energy from the various geographical locations of Earth which included Hawaii. I knew that this was more Ancient Negativity that was being ripped from the wounds of the Earth. This was also being ripped from us and our past together as a collective group, as we live in this future life while simultaneously traversing through parallel lives.  We are now going to be seeing a replacement of energies continue to enter the template of Earth, which will help us understand all of these connections to the energies much more. We’ll start to understand our human-Earth connection a lot more when we begin to understand the Ascension related events that are happening right now.

Shifting Out Of The 8:8 Lionsgate: Energy Transference From Point A-B, The Sun, The Giza Pyramids Mirror Cosmic Energies To Earth.

When we decide to leave one physical location and move into another one, we are essentially transferring ourselves to a new location. We also do this with energy and mainly because we all have and hold our own Energetic Signature. We move ourselves and our energy from point A to point B. The Earth is experiencing the same thing, in fact I’d be more correct in stating that the Earth does this first and we experience it after. This can happen simultaneously more than anything. We as energy containers are always transferring energy; it can be through universal energies coming into our awareness or our bodies. Energy is transferable! The 8:8 energies were transferring important, downloaded information that was coded so that we could understand it at this NEW level. It is the same exact information that is telling us to open up to the universal energies, and to remove anything that might be congested within our internal body makeup. To examine our beliefs and reconsider certain attitudes that we may hold and bulldoze through any kind of limitations that we might have. We can only receive the energy transfer if we do the work and cut through our own thought forms.

The 8:8 Lionsgate transferred coded universal information through our sun and to our planet via the Egyptian Pyramids in Giza. This is the gateway entrance for the Lionsgate into our planet Earth, the ancient Egyptians knew this when they had a deep connection to the Sirian Beings in their own timeline. The Lionsgate opening brings with it the rebirth of our spirit energy, and the pyramids in Giza itself are exactly aligned so that we can receive information from the star Sirius. Essentially, the information that we receive is ancient wisdom because there are many higher dimensional beings within the Orion’s belt that are the carriers of ancient knowledge. The Sirians are the most revered beings of them all for their knowledge and great wisdom, they do continue to help us by transferring their energy and awareness with the Sun and mirroring it into our Earth. They are the keepers of the ancient Knowledge and they are sharing it with humanity. We in return become the keepers of their knowledge that is returning to our Earth. The Sirians transfer their energy, all their awareness, their ancient knowledge, and they’re love for humanity through their higher frequency. Transferring energy from Orion to Earth is exactly what the Lionsgate is all about and we’ll see this universal knowledge take shape in the months to come as we create more New.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

The 8:8 Lionsgate Portal 2023: A New DNA Activation & The Egypt Pyramids As An Energy System.

The Lionsgate Portal For 2023: A New DNA Is Activating Inside Of Our Bodies, Orion’s Belt & Sudden Burst Of New Energy Codes.

We are now coming out of the main center of the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal and it’s energies for 2023, this year was big because of all the Karmic cycles that were ending. There was more going on with this because by releasing our karmic connections to our dualistic other halves, we were free to step into our true selves as divinity. We the Ascension Volunteers have nothing left to karmically manage and we can step fully into unity and leave duality consciousness in the old lower worlds and realities. Where they belong. That is not an easy task to do and we will still need to manage our emotions, our ways of thinking and where we place our intentions. Ultimately, we will succeed. 

This year won’t be that ultimate culmination because next year is the big {8:8:8} and this will be part of the new cycle, which means that we’re going to be stepping further into unknown territories which we have never stepped into before. The DNA Activations from this year’s 8:8 portal that we have experienced within our body template, along with the memoric information of our pasts will help us build a new future. Evolution is defined as moving ahead and understanding ourselves, life, the Earth and how we live on it in a way we didn’t know before. We all must advance in a way that we have never advanced before, and the 8:8 for 2023 has made sure that we are well on our way. 

When the 8:8 Lionsgate Portal energies began manifesting at the end of July; I initially began to experience a platter full of unique events that aligned with this Portal opening. Many which include: (Flooding, three feline kittens entering my life, and strange coded information that felt advanced come into my awareness.) It wasn’t just that it was coded information, but my physical body was shifting and buzzing along with these current energies that were coming in during these last two weeks. Like all things in life we experience some event that let’s us know that these energies are manifesting for us, flooding and feline kittens are all very much connected to the Lionsgate. There is symbolism and I find it refreshing to know that this is how it was all manifested, those who understand that flooding means a clearing. A washing away of the old in order to make room for the new. Feline the physical representation of the actual beings from Sirius and the many light codes and information from these codes that I did receive. How much more symbolism did I need? All important minuscule pieces of a puzzle that need to fit perfectly together, especially since I needed representation to write about for this very article. My life as an Ascension Volunteer and my personal experiences write themselves, but sometimes it can be fun to share what I do go through during important periods on New Earth.

There are many different Light Codes that enter the stream of Earth and within each one there is information connected to them. This coded information arrives during important periods and it works by actually changing our DNA and how our Endocrine System functions. There were certain parts of my own DNA that got activated during the night while I slept, and there was also DNA within the collective that got activated and in certain geographical locations as well. What I experienced were intense activations within my DNA via those light codes from the Sirius Star in the Orion’s Belt. I would wake up during the night and hear strange information come in through to me, until memories came flooding back about the Orion Belt and it’s connection to the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. There are moments where DNA activations are just about remembering something from the past that needs to be re-remembered, I wasn’t expecting to remember that our Sun was part of a big system that transported energy from planets and Star systems to our Earth via the pyramids. That they mirrored it back and forth, and that it is connected to the entire Galaxy that we live in.

The Giza Pyramids: The Pyramids As An Energy System & Transporting Electromagnetic Solar Energy  From Our Sun.

I have been well aware of all my three lifetimes in Ancient Egypt, as those two 1/2 women in the ancient world. I knew who I was then and how that has served me now, my memories are very active from that time period more than any other in Earth’s history and of my own. It happens every once in a while where my body becomes activated through coded information, a higher conscious download and something more is pulled from the depth of my subconscious. Tuesday evening – {8:8} itself; I was hit with a memory of ancient knowledge that came forth like water cascading down a mountain-side, creating the most magnificent waterfall imaginable. This memory would not have come forth from my subconscious had it not been for the current light codes that hit during this year’s 8:8 and those DNA Activations.

The Sun Connection: The Giza Pyramids Are An Energy High-Way For Multidimensional Gateways Into Earth.

In my DNA Memory; I remembered learning about how there was/is still an energy system here on Earth. This Energy system is an ancient system that involves the Giza pyramids, the Sun, other Star systems and planets that transport their energy and information via light codes to Earth. How the information came to me was like seeing mirrors everywhere reflecting energy off of one another, the Sun was the central mirror point while receiving energy it transported it to the pyramids. The pyramids are essentially from my DNA memory, part of an Energy System that involves our entire galaxy and even universe. 

When near the Giza Pyramids during these most important Portals and Energy exchanges, we feel the true magnitude of these energies as they come in. The Ancient World is long gone and even in today’s age – we won’t get the same effect. The Pyramids of the ancient world in those times, when the Earth had no axial tilt was like being harmonically converged with everything. A true pure alignment that we have not felt on Earth since those times. 

The ancient world has many thing’s to teach us if we are just willing to remember them, the Pyramids were always and have always been something far bigger than what most in the collective think. There is a reason why they are aligned with Orion’s Belt, those very same beings were here in the ancient world. There is a reason why they are physically there and what I do remember now, as it has re-activated within my DNA and stepped out of my subconscious is important. We don’t need to go back to the ancient world, but we do need to look back from time to time and to evolve into the future where we can once again become aligned with the Earth. This Energy System and with the true nature of becoming New Humans for New Earth.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.