Undergoing Energy Interferences: Expect To Feel A Massive Amount Of Energy Interferences In 2023

Undergoing Energy Interferences In The 2023 Year: Experiencing Energy Interferences On New Earth With Old Earth Human Beings.

As an Ascension Volunteer; I work extensively with energy embodiment and distribution by helping to bring in new layers of New Earth into physicality. I understand energy dynamics very well and it has been a big part of my Starseed mission here on Earth. I have even modified my own energy at times but this year has been different, I have had to clean and clear my energy within this body. I have turned to Reiki in order to understand the congestion within myself and my body, because over the years no matter how much I try to do the work myself I cannot seem to clear it all. A lot of the time this energy congestion within my physical body isn’t even my own, as a Volunteer I soak up energies like a sponge. I am very sensitive to energies and if your also the same way, then most likely you are a Starseed or a Volunteer. 

All of 2022; I really struggled with having to deal with people and their Energy Signatures. I started to notice that I was picking up on energy from other people very quickly. It wasn’t a good year for me and I don’t know any sensitives who had it easy last year, then 2023 arrived and the energies got much more intense and so did Divine Mother and the Triunity Light Codes. This all combined to make life on physical Earth most difficult, with the energy causing a secondary awakening that had me remembering my full Starseed mission. However, the energy that I was carrying still felt secondary and out of place and a lot of it was not mine. What I was experiencing was Energy Interference. 

“On June 1, 2023 – My sister’s two children were taken from their school by their father who was threatened by my cousin’s wife, she is a whole entire story because I have picked up on a very traumatic life and childhood. The event was/is a kidnapping. The woman not only did threaten their father but also held them hostage for hours until we finally called her directly and threatened police action, she finally let them go very quickly. This not only traumatized the children, but it also traumatized my sister and our entire family. The unfortunate part in all of this is the father was also in on it and planned it.”

In December 2022 – I was out at the grocery store just picking up a few thing’s for the next few days. I went in and got everything that I thought that I needed. I made my way to the self checkout because as an Ascension Volunteer I try to avoid people altogether, when I got there I began scanning my items. Out of no where a female worker comes in and basically interferes with the purchase. She placed herself and her energy around me and my body for no reason, did whatever she wanted and then left. ‘

In November 2022, I was at work and found an object in the washroom and because I work in building cleaning and maintenance, we have to take the object and keep it for holding until the owner requests it or the building tenants ask management for it back. I was approached by a tenant who was inquiring for it, when I went to bring it to him I returned the object and then he mocked me and his energy came out at me and attacked me right in the center of my heart. I initially felt something enter my body and push me back as if I had been hit, I was then laughed at by him and his co-workers until I scurried out of there. I never returned back to that office again. ” 


These three stories that I have shared above are very personal experiences that I have experienced with Energy interferences, it isn’t new to me and I have plenty more stories about the experiences that I have had my entire life that I just won’t share. The three experiences that I chose have happened in the last few months and one happened at the very start of this month. I knew that as we entered June 2023, that the energies would evolve on New Earth because there are a lot of new layers entering into our planet. It has to evolve on Earth and New Earth is always changing, it is always modifying itself and so are the energies. This is happening now this month and it has for all of 2023, and not everyone is on New Earth and I have said this so many times in these articles. There are layers to New Earth and still some layers to old Earth and there is this fighting that is going on, which is why many Ascension Volunteers call this the Separation Of Worlds. Those people who do not want anything to do with New Earth energetically are devolving on a conscious level and that is where all of these Energy Interferences are forming and playing out.

Undergoing Energy Interferences In The 2023 Year: What Is Energy Interference? & How Can You Tell When It Is Happening To You. 

Every living person on Earth right now has an energy because everyone is energy and I call this a person’s Energy Signature, as an Ascension Volunteer I work a lot with energy. I work on correcting my own energy and I work with new energy layers that come up to further help New Earth. Every living person has an energy and so does every living thing, we are made of energy but we each have our own signature filled with experiences or lack there of. The entire planet is a cesspool of energy and during these intense times we will experience multiple collisions with other people’s energy, which I’m calling Energy Interference. The general process of how this works is: when one person is moving their body and energy in one location and another person comes along with their very different energy. These two energies will eventually collide with each other. It does change the dynamics and at times the timeline of another living person.

I have experienced these sudden Energy Interferences by other people and it isn’t fun at all. The worst ones are usually when a lower vibrating human being meets a higher vibrating being, that is usually the case for me with my life and because I am a Starseed Ascension Volunteer I will get annihilated and torn to bits on an energy level. When one person is intentionally doing something to anyone to get in another person’s way for any reason, that is purposeful intention to mess with another human being. I won’t sugar coat any of this and wrap it up nicely! I have 33 years of personal experience with this, where I have been targeted for being an Ascension Volunteer who is here to bring in New Earth into physicality. The three stories of my experiences aren’t even hitting the tip of the ice berg, the size of my experiences are buried deep down in the depths of the ocean. The iceberg is hidden and gigantic! Since 2023 began; I have experienced much more of EI experiences and I have noticed that other people are experiencing it too. There are certain ways that certain LowCon people (lower conscious humans,) actually intentionally do to interfere with you and they’re not even aware of it. 

  • When in a public setting if they are coming in closer to you while you walk, in the grocery stores, streets, public transit, and purposely getting closer into your space. They’re energetically interfering with you. 
  • When a neighbor(s) are continuously making loud noises at all hours of the day and night, with absolutely no regard for you at all and other people in the neighborhood. This is interference and they might not realize that they are even doing it.
  • When someone comes in out of no where while you are doing something, then just tries to interject themselves into the activity that is interference. They chose you for a reason when there were other people around you. Take notice of this!
  • As a Starseed and Ascension Volunteer; when someone takes the time out to speak to you and you don’t know them they are doing it for a reason. They chose you specifically and most are attracted to your high vibrating energy or aura.
  • When you hear loud noises that are not human orchestrated, then you are definitely being interfered with energetically by non-physical entities and beings.
  • When the same person is consistently bothering you every single day, they are energetically interfering with you and your life and life path.
  • When you are being sent all kinds of text messages, emails, and phone calls from people who you don’t know but they are long and unhinged messages about you and who you are. Well then that is an energetic interference.
  • When you are near a certain person or a group and you feel tired or drained and confused when near them, that is energetic interference and you must teach yourself how to distance yourself from other people.

There are countless other circumstances that I do want to mention but the list is already getting so long, essentially these are the many ways in which you can be Energetically Interfered with by both people and non-physical entities alike. This has been happening now with a lot more people in 2023; especially those who are part of the first group of New Humans. There are many people who are colliding and crashing into one another, I’m someone who’s experienced this for years and I can tell the signs in certain people who are doing this. There are many who cannot tell the signs and who don’t even know why this is happening, who do still watch the news play out and wonder why so many people are all over the place being chaotic. They are a part of the remaining scenes of old Earth reality and they will have to learn soon, that they need to energetically stop interfering in other people’s energy spaces.

Can You Read Energy Signatures: An Energy Signature Acts As Your Identity On This Planet.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

A Few Childhood Nudges: Did You Draw Aquarian Waves As A Child Too? This Is The Age Of Light.

A Few Childhood Age Of Light Nudges: As A Young Ascension Volunteer I Used To Draw Aquarian Age Waves.

I imagine that many of you who are currently reading this also felt like February 2023 was like watching a really awful horror movie come to life, it definitely felt like that on a physical level that is for sure. When we’re feeling stuck and in that mindset of well this looks and feels awful to us, we tend to ignore the fact that it feels and looks this way because there are improvements being made. I have even made the monumental mistake of getting stuck in this mindset for this entire month too, only to then have to remind myself that I am having an experience and I can transform it into what I want. I choose to know that there were higher things manifesting all February long for the collective and that another chunk of ancient negativity needed to be removed through my body. As well as from all of the other Ascension Volunteers right now.

This is what I know because that is what I experienced, I have needed to learn to change my way of thinking when I start thinking about how everything is broken and does not work in the same way or frequency as it once did. It won’t! It Shouldn’t! We are not where we once used to be energetically and we’re vibrating at a much greater glow than we ever did before. We have to learn to shift our perspectives in the current now timeline that we are in and realize that when we want to shimmer and shine along with those waves then you know how to do it. I know that I cannot take the same mindset and ways of existing into this new earth, it won’t work here anymore. Not for me and not for you. Especially not for those New Humans of New Earth and those who come in the future either. 

In January 2023, I had experienced a random memory flashback momentarily of when I was thirteen in early 2004 that was suddenly jolted into my awareness, for the obvious reason that it was now time for me to remember it because it is important in this Now Timeline that we are currently in. This memory was right at the beginning of the 2004 timeline and I remember it vividly because of how I used to underline the dates back when I was a kid. It was something so minor that I never bothered to pay attention to it even though I was aware of the fact that I was doing it. Go figure, right! We make a gigantic fuss about how unaware other people are, while touting how aware we are. The majority of people would always use a ruler and draw a straight line to underline the dates and titles. I never did that. I always drew two wavy lines; In this memory of me in this life as a young thirteen year old Ascension Volunteer that is what I was doing. I was just sitting at my desk drawing the wavy lines just like the symbolism of the Aquarius Age. Why is this important? It is important because of where we currently are in 2023 as we’re about to experience another collective shift, that is the Saturn Pisces and Pluto Aquarius planetary shifts.

These were very important powerful childhood nudges as I like to call them, that I had experienced back then as a very young Ascension Volunteer. This wasn’t the only memory that came up for recognition either, there were two more that were showing me signs of the times that we’re living in now. A second memory that I rceived was of how deeply effected I had become later on in that same year, when the Christmas/Boxing day tsunami had hit. The final memory that I had received in 2023; I had a vision back in spring of 2007 when I was in Gr.11 buisness class, it was of the real reason why I took that class and what I would be doing with the knowledge that I would be getting about how to use a computer. There were many in that class that were doing it to learn how to live and exist in the old earth, I was there to learn how to write about the current New Earth For New Humans. Here I am now in 2023 writing all about my life like I saw in 2007 and what it means to be living as an Ascension Volunteer. I do remember these small moments if I ever find myself doubting where I am and what my physical experiences are, because I made it here to where I was always supposed to be. There are many more out there that I am assuming are experiencing these same Memory Recognitions of their past in this life, that have all led you to this exact moment where you are now in these early Aquarian Age moments.

A Few Childhood Age Of Light Nudges: The Sun Is An Extension Of Who You Are  In The Coming Age Of Light.

The entire month of February 2023; the couch was everything that I needed and ever wanted in my entire life. This and so much more because of what I and what we were embodying within ourselves. February was a prolonged month and for the majority of this month all that happened was the Sun erupted, not even just that but it erupted on-the-daily and it sprayed New Earth with all of these NEW Triunity Frequencies. I struggled throughout the entire month with whole body sensitvities to New Earth events, (earthquakes, solar flares, solar eruptions and the embodiment of Triunity Codes and Frequencies.) I lost some more weight due to being so sensitive to solar activity that I could not eat much, I had sensitivities to food that I could not eat anymore. I can only now eat fruites, veggies, nuts, and some meat and fish. I have absolutely no energy. I can not sleep very much and when I get a good amount of rest it just isn’t enough; the skin around my face and forehead has become red and dry with small red pimples on it. The texture of my skin has gotten bad but it’s not as bad as my hair which is dry and brittle than it once used to be, everything on our bodies changes and as much as we hate to look like this and so old this is what our bodies are designed to do. It doesn’t feel good and neither does it look good but we are doing extreme Energy Work at literally an insane NEW level.

The truth of the matter is that The Sun Is An Extension Of You and I think that I might write a little bit more about this extensively in a separate post because I think that it is important. Every Ascension Volunteer knows that the Sun and any activity that shoots off the Sun and hits us, will directly influence how we feel on a physical level. The Sun is the main character in our entire solar system and will influence us substantially, I have never been so influenced by the Sun than I have this  year so far than right now in my life. I know that other Ascension Volunteers feel it too. We are an extension of the Earth and of the Sun and the activity that it produces does influence our activity on Earth as a society. It drives people and their actions. It most defintely influences our collective consciousness and many people out there are not handling this well. Take some time out to remember that the Sun is an extension of who you are, so with Solar Cycle 25 reaching its peak phase expect solar activity to become an extension of who you are in this Now Timeline.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2023. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. Sharing of this article is strictly prohibited.

Increase In More Psychic Abilities: The Energetic Body Is Waking Up In More Human Beings.

Humans Are Experiencing More Psychic Abilities: Waking Up To The Energetic Body Via The Nervous System Circuits. 

When the beginning of 2022 arrived; I quickly realized through my physical body and my other psychic senses, that it was going to be a whole different year altogether. It felt massively different and now as we head into March, it’s only getting much more pronounced. Those feelings and emotions are only growing ever more stronger.

Ever since this year began, my one specific psychic gift and tool got an amplification like never before. The dial got tuned up and the frequency range that I am picking up, is so new that I struggled to cope with everything new that I was feeling. I carry the psychic gift and spiritual tool of Clairsentience. I have always been Clairsentient; when I was a child I could feel specific thing’s and instantly know stuff about people based off of how I felt them. It was always just a small sensing, but lately it has grown to a level that I am finding very difficult to cope with. The flood gates have opened and I’ve been completely sensitive to anyone and everything. 

As soon as January 2022 arrived; I went straight into one of the deepest periods of depression that I have ever experienced. It got awful, and it is still going on right now. The point is, this year it started to amp up in a way where all of it was climaxing into something unknown to me. I had never experienced that before. What I was feeling was everything and nothing, the past and the present, the future building up and that felt awful for the first few weeks. As we approached mid-January I could not cope, because I started feeling all the people around me. I started feeling all the disruptions in the earth. I started feeling the completion and finalization of Divine Mother and that template being woven into NEW Earth. There wasn’t even any time to get used to the change over, and it was an intense experience of feeling many events and many thought’s coming from people. The most of what I felt from the people around me was anger and fear, man do the people in my specific area hold onto these emotions like a bad habit. It became too much, way too much for me to handle. This was all just from being Clairsentient.

Humans Are Experiencing More Psychic Abilities: Awakening To The Internal Circuits Of The Energy Body.

Clairsentience: In my own words, is the ability to clearly feel and to sense another persons thoughts, their motives, their energies, and the way that they feel. How people think and feel are the most important aspect of having this specific gift.

At times, I have felt the opposite effect and it has more to do with the collective. So it isn’t just a singular experience, but a collective one as a whole and that is exactly what I experienced in early 2022. 

Over the course of my life; I have had periodic moments and encounters with both people, and events where I have felt whatever it was that was going on for them. How they were feeling. What they were doing and those intentions behind why. That has all been difficult, and a lot of people are truly struggling beyond words. I couldn’t possibly describe a lot of the stuff that I have felt, the pain is so real. Then of course there is the opposite, where there have been people who are happy, then there are other’s who are just truly disturbed. That has been the most difficult to feel and process throughout the years, but nothing compares to all that I feel that is connected to specific Light Beings on the other side.

The Higher Dimensions are some of the busiest places, any soul that is there truly comprehends how much that there is to do. There is schooling. There is learning. There is healing. There are new born souls. There is leisure time with friends in your soul group. There is learning from past lives. There is looking back on the life that you just lived. However, there are many who seem to pay me lots of visits, and of course over the years this has both frustrated me, as well as been fascinating to me. There have even been lots of people who I knew specifically in life, who now visit me who have crossed over back to spirit. One such being is my Primary Soulmate (a concept first written about by Michael Newton,) if you haven’t yet read any of his books I beg you to go and read them. My primary soulmate incarnated with me in this life, however he is no longer on this side. He isn’t having the human experience anymore. However, I still am. Despite that, our relationship continues on, and on many days it’s as if he is never gone. My primary soulmate and I have been inseparable; I have had dreams with him in it. I have had visitations with him. I have had specific moments where I can feel him and his energy on me. He is good at sending me love invoking thoughts and encouragement, but something that has changed for us is how strongly I am feeling him now.

In early 2022; when I experienced a tune up in my ability to feel and sense, one thing that amplified was the connection that I had to My Primary Soulmate.  We have experienced euphoric states of happiness together, and they were so intense that it was the only thing that could bring me out of those depressive thoughts and states of mind.  The way he felt also changed. The way we could feel one another changed too. It got deeper and our connection got stronger. Between the collective, individual, and personal this year so far has been just unbelievable in regards to how much this specific gift/tool has evolved for me. I won’t go any further into discussing details about my primary Soulmate, because those are private experiences that I experience as a psychic. I don’t really discuss a lot of stuff that I specifically experience on here either, and all of this has stayed very private for reasons. However, possibly one day I might write about him and our experiences before and after beginning this specific lifetime.

I tend to always share a good bit that deals with encouragement, so I’ll do it again in this article. If you’ve felt that you have noticed you have psychic gifts, and they have begun activating within you, or, just in general that your psychic gifts have also increased, changed, gotten more intense, or, stronger, and you are finding it very difficult to cope in 2022 so far. Your NOT alone and I have felt the increase and it has been like walking on glass, just to try and figure out the best direction to take. I’m really finding it difficult to navigate, and at times I am all over the place. Mentally scattered and everything that is going on right now, is not helping thing’s. Just know that you are not alone, and do all that you can to get used to the new frequency range.

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2022. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. Sharing of this article is strictly prohibited.