October 2022’s 10/10 Portal: It’s A Personal Consciousness Shift. We As Self Are As The Divine In Body.

October 2022’s 10:10 Portal: The 10:10 Portal Opening, Personal Consciousness Shift & Understanding All About The Self Within The Ascension Process.

Over these last few days leading up to the 10/10 portal, I noticed that something felt very different for me this year. Now usually, I experience a tremendous amount of physical ascension symptoms brought on by embodying specific light codes. This year that just did not happen. My physical body has been untouched by physical ascension symptoms, in fact I only got hit hard yesterday on Oct (9th.) I got hit with loud ear ringing which would not stop all day, along with some other familiar body changes that I have experienced before. Otherwise, it has been a relatively quiet one for me this year. 

The one thing that I felt that changed immediately was that I wasn’t experiencing a physical shift this year, it was a personal consciousness shift. This isn’t the first time that this has happened to me, and to be honest I’d prefer the shift in my awareness than having to endure the physical pain. It’s so much easier. Mainly, because what you didn’t see before ultimately stays in your mind. I’ve seldom ever forgotten all that I have become aware of over the years, and you tend to never forget it if it’s important enough. Especially, when it’s about you and your own behavior.

There have been countless moments during these last eight years since when my physical activation began, where I’ve been stupefied that I am not feeling what I know that I should be due to the ascension process. The physical shifts are such an important part of the embodiment process, and most of what I have done is shift physically over the years. That is a big part of the work that I do. When that does not happen for a specific reason, I tend to go inward, and I start to question why it isn’t happening. It usually means that I am experiencing a different kind of shift altogether, one that isn’t drenched in the physical aspects. This very thing has occurred for me this 10/10 and it’s a Personal Consciousness Shift. It is an opportunity to shift on a conscious level, so that I or you can become more aware of oneself. So that you can become more aware of a situation in your life, and of a situation that is going on around the world within the collective. It’s like I have been saying throughout the almost four years that I have been writing on here, just how aware are you? It’s an important thing to know don’t you think? 

When I experience what I call a Personal Consciousness Shift, I do understand that it’s happening because there is a lot that I am not personally aware of at the current moment. This shift can help me be more aware of myself. This shift can show me that there is a lack of awareness about a situation that is happening in my life. It can be that I needed that personal shift because that is what I need, and there has to be something that I learn. I can take from it. This happens to some people at some point, and I didn’t say that it happens to everyone either because there are some who never shift their consciousness. There are many people who choose not to and that’s fine, but then realize that they’re part of that descending earth world.  It’s really about getting yourself from point A to point B and as fast as you can, because in the times we’re living in there isn’t a moment to waste.

October 2022’s 10:10 Portal: What Is A Personal Shift & Knowing That The Self Is An Aspect Of The Divine As A Whole.

A Personal Shift: Is a shift that occurs for you and you alone. It is an internal on/off button that your soul does have, and it usually makes that switch when you need to become more aware. This isn’t about the body at all. The body has nothing to do with these shifts, it is all in your awareness. It can be extremely alarming for the person experiencing it, and for the people around them to watch as they make that shift. They elevate themselves beyond who they were, and it can be very difficult for friends and families to understand the changes that are being made. 

When you are in the midst of a personal shift; It is not your job to give a rat’s ass about what someone else experiences, because you decided to make that shift consciously. That is your job to do. It is for you and not for anyone else. It’s not your responsibility to console them. Make those changes and those movements. This is your personal shift. If someone is having a problem with this shift then you need to question these people, what they’re motives are and if they even care about you. It can be a terrifying thought when you realize that at some point, you just need to leave certain people behind. 

The way in which my personal Consciousness Shift occurred for me during this 10/10 portal, involved reaching a specific place in my awareness that kept telling me that I needed to heal. The switch for me was that I have experienced a lack of personal self-healing, and that was what has been shown to me. It’s like receiving small images in your mind’s eye, about where there needs to be more focus on. That realization and those images completely made that shift for me, and that was my personal shift. A shift for me to make and make alone, and I have actively taken small steps in doing that.

It hasn’t been very easy, but the most important thing is to do the work. There has been a lot of traumas in my life, and a lot of the earlier years needs to be dealt with. It’s also about learning, and I want to stress that the most. We do have this amazing ability to learn about ourselves, from ourselves, if we just took the time to see the lessons. Self is the greatest teacher that we have and no-one else could even come close to teaching us what we need to know. I learn more about me than what anyone else could ever teach me, just by doing my own work internally. I can understand myself more and the awareness that you get from these personal shifts, they become like precious treasures that you can take with you and keep in your heart. The truth is sometimes the physical body doesn’t need to do the hard work of shifting us, but it’s the consciousness that does, and it needs that jolt every once in a while.  

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2022. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. Sharing of this article is strictly prohibited.

Divine Mother Template & (DNA) Restoration: The End Of June Into Early July Has Been Physical Hell.

Divine Mother DNA Restoration: Divine Restoration and Release & Embodiment Of Divine Mother Codes For All Of 2022.

I had first began to experience an unexpected onslaught of more divine mother codes, hit my physical body on June 25th. That was a week in-a-half-ago. This is now July 5th and ever since that specific day; I have not had a break yet from this surprise upgrade and DNA Restoration. I initially had no idea what was going on, but, eventually I started to sense that something big was happening with my body. It was not only big, it was important, and it was happening to a lot of the volunteers. I could sense it that much. I’m not a fan of it when Source decides to send these surprise energy templates, of coded light energy for me to embody at random. Those of you who have the ability to sense when energy is going to be sent, you can pick up on it as if you have an extra sensory antenna. Which is more or less how I have known what is going to be sent, and you have years worth of body patterns, that you have already deciphered, that tells you something energy wise is incoming. So you prepare yourself, and when it happens it’s not usually so strong that you cannot cope through it. This time it was another story altogether; I felt like I wasn’t going to make it this time. 

I felt like I was dying for the first 24/h of receiving this surprise divine mother code DNA modification and restoration. It felt exactly like when I got slammed by those energies for all of 2020. It was this electric whole body buzzing, that started from the head and went all the way down into my toes. It was relentless and lasted a full 24/h and then it started to lessen up, but, then new, and strange physical body modifications began happening, one after the other in various parts of my body. There were various days after where high energy days made it worse, and the DNA release and restoration process began. It has taken me a long while to write something new, but I am still in the process of living through this end of June into early July physical body insanity. 

I need to make one thing very clear right now before I start explaining what has been going on for me on a physical level, and what has been happening for you on a physical level. What we experienced on June 25th and what we have for all of the month of June, is a much more advanced level of Divine Mother and those Codes. That is what has been happening for all of 2022 and it needs repeating; I want everyone to understand that the template was implanted on new earth like a blanket. When that template became apart of new earth in January, that was like source laying down the foundation work for this earth and humanity. That template, that energy blanket is now laying there, it is a permanent fixture, but, from time to time, more advanced codes will penetrate it, and add onto it. Which has been happening since the template was first laid across the world in January; I have felt each advanced new sprinkle of divine mother codes onto this template and we have been doing it all year long. We will continue to do this all year long, and during some specific moments it won’t be important. Which is why I haven’t mentioned a lot of those periods when they do happen, now at times (like in this article,) I will mention them because it’ll be important enough to bring it up. This latest event was and is important enough, and I’ll always write what I think is the most important thing. 

This sudden Divine Mother DNA Restoration event had commenced for me on June (25th, 26th, 27th) and (Jul 2nd, 3rd & 4th,) these were High Energy days where I had experienced the most intense body upgrades. The initial first full day was the worst of it, and I wrote down all of these dates, just so that you, can also piece together when you might have also been feeling this, and on what days. I mentioned it in my opening paragraphs, but initially I had no idea what we had been hit with. After the 24/h of physical hell where I thought I was going to die, I was strong enough to sense that what I and we all got hit with was so important. It was bigger than what we had thought it was, for so many reasons. There was a release and restore process going on with my body, and I feel that this has been happening for other volunteers as well.

Over these last few ascension years; I have embodied a lot of energy through the embodiment process. I know when the natural evolution process is changing me, and when it is also modifying my DNA. I know the difference between how I feel during, and then how I feel after the fact. Usually, it goes smooth sailing and then there are other times where it takes a little bit longer. There are moments of body modification where it is easier than other times, but, it all levels out in the end. This might also happen for you in the same way, and if it doesn’t – do not worry so much about it. We all have our own patterns and rhythms.

Divine Mother DNA Restoration: Understanding Our DNA & How It Can Cause Imbalances Within Our Multidimensional Bodies. 

DNA: DNA is a polymer composed of two polynucleotide chains, that coil around one another to form a double helix, and they carry genetic instructions for the further development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms.

That is a text book definition of what DNA is. Did you read the part where it states; that they carry genetic instruction for the further development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms. This is exactly what we repeatedly go through when we embody, specific codes, that are meant to genetically instruct us to evolve and grow. That also means our DNA is impacted by these codes, these shifts, our sun, the moon, our universe, it all impacts our DNA and evolves it. We become modified.

The physical embodiment that I experienced from June 25th and onward, it has felt like nothing that I have ever experienced before. This is the part where I am going to get extremely real, honestly raw, and serious about the physical insanity that I have experienced during this late June into early July timeline period. I need everyone to realize that I am having a human experience; I do have my own feelings, emotions, about all that I go through within my own ascension process. I rarely ever open up about everything, and it is mainly because I keep a lot of the crazy experiences that I go through private. I can’t imagine what I already must look like to many people, who find this place and explore it. You don’t gain very many friends when you experience all of this, and I could care either way. I do not always act accordingly most of the time, and just because I go through what most volunteers do. I absolutely HATE when I have to embody. While physically I am designed to take the hits, and be here at this time and anchor all of what source needs me to. I don’t always like playing this role. Not very many volunteers do, and I cannot tell you how many times I have gotten angry during the process. I have screamed and ranted at the higher dimensions, my higher light team, (more than I can count.) I’ve asked for relief. The majority of the time, I don’t get those requests granted by them and there are higher reasons for it.

On June 25th, we didn’t get hit with more divine mother codes, again with this bloody embodiment process, that is unfolding once again down in physicality. We experienced a DNA Restoration & Release event. What do I mean by this? What we experienced was a release of old ancient DNA, that has been genetically instructed, to repeat itself over and over, in every lifetime, after lifetime, and it got fried permanently. It felt so different, and what was explained to me by my higher team members, was that DNA was released, removed, and DNA was restored via divine mother and these advanced levels of energy. While that is amazing, and it is brilliant that ancient DNA has been released and restored. That does not stop the physical brutality that we experience from happening, it is a real physical process where ego, pain, old aspects of self, these are removed time and time again. Then when we wonder why it has been so intense lately, it is just DNA restoration at a level that we just never thought possible.

Living With Embodiment PTSD. During all of these past few ascension years; I have dealt with many periods of high embodiment, template integrations into new earth, light codes, the world shifting in and out, the very many LowCon people who get used, entering into the Aquarian age, divine mother returning, and the list has gone on and on. At least since I have written on Energetic Earth: New Ascending World. The truth is that during all of these events, and years before them I have accumulated tons of trauma along the way. I have tons of accumulated trauma. I also don’t know any other ascension volunteers and participants, who haven’t accumulated tons of trauma themselves. We are all dealing with some form of PTSD.

Embodiment PTSD On June 25/26th

On Saturday afternoon, I began to physically get hit with an unknown wave of light codes. It was such a strong wave of codes that within a couple of hours, I was unable to function and needed to lay down. As the evening rolled around I got worse, by midnight I was experiencing what could only be an intense whole body energy intake.

The worst moment for me happened when I was laying in bed, while my entire body was vibrating with an electric current. This electric current was the divine mother template which was blanketing itself within me. It began to render me unmovable for hours, I could not sleep, and the only thing that I could do was lay there feeling every horrible minute pass by. This lasted for hours where I was laying down in the same spot, while intense, divine mother codes entered me like it was entering the earth itself. I eventually passed out asleep, despite fighting wanting to go to sleep because I felt that I would die if I did. I made it to Sunday morning, after only sleeping for three hours.

On the Sunday, I couldn’t eat anything all day Sunday; I also could not sleep. I laid there feeling every electric current of these light waves, move around my body. The intensity of it was more in my head, and it was spinning around making me dizzy. I felt nauseous. I felt like I wanted to throw up, but my body couldn’t because I wasn’t able to eat since Saturday afternoon. By lunch time the hot flashes had begun, and I couldn’t do much of anything. If I got up, I would immediately need to lay down. It felt better when I laid down. By Sunday night it started to ease off, and by that point I felt as if I was out of the woods.

I have Ascension PTSD and Embodiment PTSD. I have had this for years, and mainly because I don’t always know what I am going to experience while on this journey that I am on. The physical embodying also has given me PTSD, as I have had moments where I thought I was going to die. That it was done for me and I was on my way back to the higher dimensions, and this is exactly what happened to me again. This happened to me on the night of June 25th and into June 26th. I decided to share this experience so that people see what it is that I go through, on a physical level, and if you also need to read it because you go through it to – then it’s what I am here for with these articles. 

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2022. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.

Correcting The Cosmic Upheaval Timeline: Divine Mother Codes & Correcting The Higher Timelines.

Correcting The Cosmic Upheaval Timeline: Sudden Eruption Of Divine Feminine Codes & Correcting Cosmic Timelines. 

This article for all intents and purpose is going to remain a very short one, and that has more to do with the fact that I am currently still in the process of experiencing this latest embodiment. This is still an ongoing event in my life for me, and while I cannot fully write about it all in full detail. I do need to give an unexpected quick update as to what many volunteers might have experienced, especially over these last few days because this just came on suddenly. 

The current event that I am referring to is the sudden roll out of divine feminine mother codes that were distributed, suddenly for those specific volunteers, participants, who have already and continue to embody the Divine Feminine Codes. 

The sudden and unexpected are not new to me in anyway, not when it comes to the ascension process. There have been events of energy embodiment that have come out of no where, that have left me in great agony over the years. What I have experienced since 2022 started has not shocked me, and neither has it surprised me. In fact; I have been experiencing periodic installments of Divine Feminine Mother Codes for all of 2022, and even after the actual template was physicalized into new earth in January. I have been very aware of this, and I have actively been doing all that I can do. I even experienced a huge download of this in May when more codes came in. However, this latest event was a shocker for me, and it left me asking what was going on? My higher light team only had a few specific thing’s to say, and that all included minor mentions of divine feminine mother and a distribution of more codes. 

This abrupt Distribution of Divine Feminine Mother and those codes, began for me specifically on this past Saturday {Jun 25th} during the afternoon hours. I experienced an almost physical body change-over within hours, and by that night I was on the brink of almost physically exiting. It was so intense. It was this quickly escalated energy event, that left me reeling and there was nothing that I could do, but to just allow whatever it was to continue doing what it was designed to do. This carried over into Sunday {Jun 26th} and that was not a good day for me either, and it is still ongoing even as I write this. It is still moving around in my body, but for those of you who have experienced something similar that started on June 25th specifically. You might be wondering what in the world is going on? You’ve just been hit by Divine Feminine Mother and those codes. 

Correcting The Cosmic Upheaval Timeline: Understanding The Body When It Works With Timeline Corrections. 

There is a lot more that I want to write about; I am still in the process of taking care of myself on a physical level. Which is why I am not going to write anything further. This is a part of the Ascension Process that I have never enjoyed, because you are physically at the whim of anything energy wise. When those roll outs come out you’re obviously one of the few volunteers around the world, who does embody what is given to you. That’s part of your physical body design. I’ve had challenging moments with this aspect of the ascension process, each time I’m left wondering during specific moments when I’m going to die. If this will be the moment when that does happen, I felt that way in May of this year too. I have felt this way since Cycle Two began in 2020. I felt that way when I was physically activated in 2014. There is always that thought of well I may not make it, until I realize well this is what my physical body was designed for. I’ve had terrifying moments where the embodiment process was just a horrendous experience, but I have never felt anything like this before.

In my next article I’ll be getting really detailed and real about all of these issues. The embodiment process, this current download, what I felt physically, the feeling like death might have been imminent, how that is a real fear for me and other volunteers, all of the PTSD that I have that involves what I have embodied over the years. All of that, and maybe more. 

Copyright © Energetic Earth – Ascending New World, 2022. All Rights Reserved. Duplication of this article is strictly prohibited. You may share this article so long as you give credit to Energetic Earth, and mention the source on your website, blog, social media etc.